Astronomers have assembled the largest-ever compilation of high-precision galaxy distances, called Cosmicflows-4.Galaxies, such as the Milky Way, are the building blocks of the universe, each comprised of up to several hundred billion stars. Galaxies beyond our immediate neighborhood are rushing away, faster if they are more distant, which is a consequence of the expansion of the universe that began at the moment of the Big Bang. Measurements of the distances of galaxies, coupled with information about their velocities away from us, determine the scale of the universe and the time that has elapsed since its birth."Since galaxies were identified as separate from the Milky Way a hundred years ago, astronomers have been trying to measure their distances," said Tully. "Now by combining our more accurate and abundant tools, we are able to measure distances of galaxies, and the related expansion rate of the universe and the time since the universe was born with a precision of a few per ...
Graas, a solution provider the for e-commerce industry, said on Wednesday that it has raised more than $40 million in the first close of a funding round.
Unveiled by US president Joe Biden, the stunning image of SMACS 0723, a cluster of thousands of galaxies, was released on July 11
Samsungs business has grown at over 20 per cent (by value) in India in the first half of this year compared to the same period last year
The images are the highest-resolution view of the universe ever captured, and demonstrate the capabilities of the $10 billion observatory designed to view deep into space and time
Shashi Bhushan Pandey from ARIES worked with lead scientist Alberto Castro Tirado and other group members in this research
Report references 144 incidents since 2004 where US service personnel reported close encounters with unidentifiable aerial objects
The merging galaxy formed 4.5 billion years ago is dubbed ID2299 and is ejecting gases equivalent to 10,000 Suns-worth of gas a year
NASA has congratulated Indian astronomers on the discovery of one of the farthest Star galaxies in the universe estimated to be located 9.3 billion light-years away from Earth
The event, named GRB170202, was a very energetic gamma ray burst
Galaxies with unusual appearances give astronomers unique insights into how galaxies are formed
It has a well-defined elliptical-like core surrounded by two circular rings
It is so delicate that a slight nudge from a neighbour would cause it to disintegrate