Haryana BJP chief Mohanlal Badoli and a singer were booked after a woman alleged that she was gang-raped by them in a hotel in Kasauli. Himachal Pradesh Police has registered an FIR against the two men, officials said on Tuesday. PTI reached out to Badoli but no response was received. According to the complainant, the two men made videos of the act and threatened to kill the victim if she disclosed the incident to anyone, they said. The FIR registered in Kasauli in Solan district on December 13, 2024, names Badoli and Jai Bhagwan alias Rocky. A copy of the FIR was doing the rounds on social media on Tuesday. According to the FIR, the woman was staying in a hotel in Kasauli with her boss and friend when they met the two accused on July 3, 2023. While Badoli introduced himself as a political leader, Rocky introduced himself as a singer. Later, the woman and her friend went into a room with the two accused, who promised to help the complainant get a government job and a chance to fea
Two Army officers and their female friends were attacked by men who gang-raped one woman at gunpoint near Jam Gate, Indore
Thirty days have passed after the body of a woman medic, raped and murdered, was recovered from state-run Kar Medical College and Hospital here, but investigators are still clueless about what led to the crime that has opened a can of worms. CBI detectives, who took up the probe into the case after the Calcutta High Court transferred the investigation from the Kolkata Police on August 13, said that they were unable to join several dots due to lack of evidence from the crime scene, a senior official said. This, he said, has affected the investigation of the crime which came to light after the body of the trainee doctor was found in the seminar room of the hospital on August 9. The police arrested Sanjoy Roy, a Kolkata Police civic volunteer, the next day in this connection. It was found during the investigation that former principal of the hospital Dr Sandip Ghosh ordered the demolition of a restroom and a toilet close to that seminar room on August 10. As a portion of the two areas
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A court in Gujarat has acquitted all 26 persons accused of gangrape and murder of more than a dozen members of a minority community in separate incidents in Kalol during 2002 communal riots for want of evidence in the 20-year-old case. Of the total 39 accused, 13 died during the pendency of the case and the trial against them was abated. A court of additional sessions judge of Halol in Panchmahal district, Leelabhai Chudasama, on Friday acquitted 26 persons for the offence of murder, gangrape and rioting for want of evidence. "As many as 13 out of a total 39 accused in the case had died during the pendency of the trial," the court said in the order passed on Friday. The accused persons were part of a mob that went on a rampage in the communal riots that broke out on March 1, 2002, during a bandh call given after the Sabarmati train burning incident in Godhra on February 27. An FIR was lodged against the accused at Kalol police station on March 2 that year. The prosecution examined
Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal on Saturday wrote to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and urged him to set up a high-level committee to probe the alleged gangrape of a 36-year-old woman in Ghaziabad. She also said that strong action should be taken against the woman if her allegations are found to be false. This comes a day after the Ghaziabad police registered a case against the woman and three others for allegedly levelling a "fabricated" gangrape charge against five men with whom she is embroiled in a property dispute. In her letter, Maliwal said the DCW received a call on its helpline number -- 181 -- on October 18 from a GTB Hospital nurse regarding a case of sexual assault and was asked to send a counsellor. A counsellor was immediately sent to the hospital. During her interaction with the counsellor, the woman alleged that she was gang-raped by five men for two days and they inserted an iron rod into her private parts. She claimed that she was tied
The Bombay High Court commuted to life imprisonment the death penalty awarded to convicts in the gangrape case of a 22-year-old photojournalist inside the defunct Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai
In March 2104, the trial court had convicted four persons for gangraping a 22-year-old photo-journalist inside the abandoned Shakti Mills compound in central Mumbai on August 22, 2013.
NHRC has issued notices to the Madhya Pradesh government and the state's police and prison chiefs over reports that a woman was allegedly gangraped in a lock-up by five police personnel
A special court in Rajasthan's Alwar district on Tuesday convicted and awarded rigorous life imprisonment to four men for the gangrape of a woman in 2019
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) has completed its probe into the death of a 19-year-old Dalit woman
The BSP on Thursday demanded capital punishment for the rapists and killers of the Hathras Dalit woman
The family of the victim alleged that the local police forced them to conduct the last rites in the dead of the night
Members of the Delhi Mahila Congress staged a protest at Vijay Chowk demanding justice for the Hathras gang-rape victim, who died at a hospital this morning, following which they were detained
The shelter home was run by Thakur, former MLA of Bihar People's Party (BPP)
While T K Rangarajan of CPM said laws be framed to tackle crime are not percolating down, Vaiko of the DMK wanted concrete action be taken to deal with such crimes.
A three-judge bench headed by Justice R F Nariman, by a majority of 2:1, upheld the verdicts of the trial court and the Madras High Court to award death penalty to the convict
A complaint was lodged by the girl's parents on Tuesday night at the New Agra police station, Superintendent of Police (city) Prashant Verma said
The victim is a resident of Paryavaran Complex in Saket
The woman, a resident of Gurugram, was admitted to Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital