If we keep subsidising or protecting businesses that are not able to compete, we have an issue. I would expect the market to be able to sort things out, says Uday Kotak
Subramanian also said that the Centre had gone beyond its means to support states, was keeping its options open regarding deficit monetisation, and that the new privatisation policy would be out soon
Williamson and Alesina were both economists who offered insights that India must follow over the next two decades. If it doesn't, it can resign itself to its current low-grade economic status.
Consumers reported sharp cuts in discretionary spending and also do not expect much improvement in the coming year, the RBI survey said
The Covid crisis makes "data driven" projections inaccurate, as the past provides zero guidance for the future.
While some economists believe the Indian economy would contract 5%, others say there could be a double-digit fall in FY21. A K Bhattacharya lists the challenges facing India's economic recovery
If we turn protectionist, I don't know how can we be an exporting power. Self-sufficient exporting powerhouse is an oxymoron," he said.
The target could get pushed forward by at least two years even if the economy were to grow by an optimistic 7.5% a year after FY21
He said the pandemic might have applied the brakes on the speed of the economic growth, but the country had left behind the phase of lockdown and entered the first phase of unlocking.
This indicates that GST revenue for May, but collected in June, could recover after reporting a close to 85% shortfall in April vis-a-vis last year
Stock markets generally discount an outcome a few months in advance. They might have seen the bottom in March, unless a more ferocious second wave results in a fresh lockdown, writes Ambareesh Baliga
In comparative terms, India has been a laggard among Emerging Markets in 2020. The downgrade just makes the task of its economic recovery a little more daunting
While this downgrade will not affect the sovereign as it does not borrow overseas, it will however affect Indian companies borrowing from abroad
From informal Indian economy in the time of pandemic, to making cities liveable for migrants, and why Mumbai still struggles to cope with coronavirus - read these and more in today's India dispatch
Weekly economic indicators show a rise in economic activity in days leading up government announcing easing coronavirus lockdown
SGX Nifty, which is up 130 points, is indicating a stronger opening for the Indian indices today
As India moves to open up the country, investors look at sectors that have been resilient. Puneet Wadhwa charts sectors that are expected to do well in the next few months
India's economic growth falls for a third successive year, fiscal deficit widens to 4.6%; agriculture and govt spending prevent further decline
India's gross domestic product for the fourth quarter of the financial year 2020 grew at 3.1 per cent, its slowest pace in at least two years
However on the extreme ends, Bernstein pegged fall in the gross domestic product (GDP) at 7 per cent and Asian Development Bank projected GDP growth at 4 per cent