Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Thursday presented a Rs 26,765 crore revenue surplus budget for 2024-25 in the Assembly, with no additional taxes being imposed on the citizens of the coastal state. The revenue surplus was Rs 1,720 crore, while the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is expected to witness a growth of 13.87 per cent, with per capita income of Rs 7.64 lakh, he said. Sawant also announced a one-time amnesty scheme for residential houses that are being operated illegally as home stays, hotels and restaurants. Sawant, who holds the finance portfolio, said Goa received Rs 750 crore as financial assistance from the Centre for fiscal 2023-24 and this is expected to rise to Rs 1,506 crore for 2024-25. Despite financial liabilities like social welfare schemes, servicing of debt and infrastructure development, the state government in the last financial years has not imposed additional tax burden on citizens, the chief minister told the House. "We have worked out our fina
The Budget session of the Goa Assembly is kept short as per tradition and a discussion on the Budget has been postponed to the monsoon session as the Opposition wanted time to study the financial plan, Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar said on Monday, the first day of the sitting. He said the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) has resolved that the monsoon session of the House would be a lengthy one with a duration of 20 days. The Budget session will be held for four days till March 31 excluding the March 30 holiday for Ram Navami. The Budget session is always held for five days (in Goa). It has been a tradition for the last 20-30 years, the Speaker told PTI. Tawadkar said a discussion on the Budget could have started during the current session but the Opposition parties demanded that they want time to study the Budget. That is why the discussion on Budget has been postponed to the next session, he said, adding that since there was not much business, the current session is held for four days
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Monday said the budget session will start on March 27. The House will be in session from March 27 to March 31, with a holiday on March 30 for Ram Navami. "The exact date of the budget presentation will be announced later. A discussion on the budget would be held in the next session," the chief minister told reporters. Sawant said the ruling party had suggested that the general discussion on the budget could start from the upcoming session and resume in the next sitting, but the opposition parties didn't agree. He said the session would be held for only four days "as there is no business to transact for an extended period".
Ahead of the budget session, scheduled from March 27 to 31, Goa government has invited ideas and suggestions from industrialists, students, and the public for a "public-centric" budget
Goa's per capita income at current prices continues to be among highest in the country at Rs 5.80 lakh, Sawant said
The government will also take a Vote on Account for the next four months
Goa Leader of opposition Digambar Kamat slammed the BJP for the 'hollow' Budget and said it lacks economic revival plan as it would crush the marginalised sector and move the state towards bankruptcy
The budget session of the Goa Legislative Assembly will be held between March 24 and April 16, an official said on Saturday
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Thursday began consultations with industry stakeholders for the upcoming state Budget
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Monday said he would be presenting the state's budget in the end of March and it would focus on making the state self- reliant.
The state budget would be presented on February 6 during the state Assembly session, which will be held between February 3 and 7
The total estimated expenditure on revenue account is Rs 117.95 billion, while that on capital account is Rs 42.18 billion
Parrikar was hospitalised in Mumbai on February 14 for mild pancreatitis
The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry demanded that excessive duties and levies on the mining industry be cut down