A team of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) was allegedly assaulted by the staff of an offshore casino vessel in Goa, police said on Saturday. Police on Friday registered a case against the director, two senior staffers of Cruise Casino Pride, and a few others for the incident that occurred on December 12, an official said. According to the complaint lodged at Panaji police station, the staff of the offshore casino vessel allegedly assaulted Poluri Chenna Kesava Rao, an assistant director of ED, and his team and confined them in a room while they were searching the premises on Thursday afternoon, the official said. He said casino director Ashok Wadia, senior staffers Gopal Ramnath Naik, Arati Raja and a few others were involved in the assault. The accused threatened to cause injury to the complainant and his team and wrongfully confined them in a room while they were discharging their lawful duty in an official capacity, a spokesperson from the Goa police said. He said the ED has a
As per reports, the GST Council is expected to take up a key amendment that has the potential to resolve the vexatious issue of retrospective taxation for online gaming companies this Saturday.
The operations of all casinos in Goa will remain shut for eight hours from 8 am on Monday as a mark of respect for the consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, an official from a casino management company said on Sunday. There are six off shore casinos and several on shore casinos operating in Goa. The off shore casino vessels are anchored in the Mandovi river near state capital Panaji. It has been decided that all the casinos will close their operations from 8 am to 4 pm on Monday, Shrinivas Nayak, director of the Majestic Pride group which operates some of these casinos, told PTI. "When everyone is keeping their businesses closed and holidays have been declared to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime event, why should we not do it," he said. The Goa government has already declared a holiday on Monday for all government, semi-government and autonomous bodies on the occasion of the Ram temple consecration ceremony in Ayodhya city of Uttar Pradesh.
Prayers, midnight masses and carols sung in praise of Lord Jesus ushered in the Christmas festivities in Goa where several people gathered at churches and beaches for the celebrations held throughout the night. The streets of capital city Panaji were crowded with people who participated in the celebrations till the early hours of Monday after attending the midnight masses in churches. The famous Church Square in the heart of Panaji turned into a sea of people, as a large number of tourists have also arrived for the Christmas and New Year celebrations in the coastal state, which has about 30 per cent Christian population. Keeping with the festive spirit, Goans decked up their houses in colourful lights and put up beautifully decorated cribs, depicting the birth of Lord Jesus. At Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church in Panaji, devotees started gathering from 11 pm on Sunday to attend the prayers. With the ringing of bells at midnight, the birth of Lord Jesus was celebrated a
New rules for casinos, including off-shore ones, will be notified soon under the Goa, Daman and Diu Public Gambling Act, an official said in Panaji on Thursday. The announcement was made by Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant during his Budget speech in the Assembly on Wednesday, the official said. The rules will streamline the sector and also speak of giving power of issuing tickets to the 'Gaming Commissioner', he said. Goa has six off shore casinos, while several five-star hotels also operate casinos.
The GST Council has decided to refer the report of the Group of Ministers on casinos, online gaming and horse racing back to the panel of ministers for further deliberation.
The stock hit a low of Rs 252.65 in early morning trades on the BSE
Goa bench had recently ordered state government to renew licence of offshore casino