A Goa court on Monday extended by another five days the police custody of startup CEO Suchana Seth being investigated for allegedly killing her four-year-old son. Seth was produced before Goa Children's Court after her initial remand of six days expired. Calangute Police sought the extension of her custody stating the investigation is yet to conclude. Seth (39) was arrested from Chitradurga in Karnataka on January 8 while she was travelling in the taxi with her son's body stuffed in a bag and brought to Goa. A court in Mapusa town remanded her in police custody for six days. She is accused of killing the child in a Candolim-based service apartment in Goa. A senior police officer told PTI on Monday that the accused is not cooperating with investigators. "We had asked for an extension of her custody as we wanted more time to interrogate her. We have to also conduct other formalities like taking her DNA sample," he said. The recording of the statement by Seth's husband Venkat Raman
The estranged husband of Suchana Seth, the AI start up CEO accused of killing her four-year-old child, on Saturday appeared before Calangute police in Goa as part of the probe, an official said. Seth allegedly smothered her son to death in a service apartment in Candolim in north Goa, packed his corpse in a bag and hailed a taxi to go back to Bengaluru but was arrested mid-way on January 8 in Chitradurga in Karnataka, as per police. "Venkat Raman, the accused's husband, arrived here from Bengaluru in the afternoon and reached Calangute police station. We will be recording his statement in the case as part of the probe," the official said. Raman was in Jakarta in Indonesia when the murder took place. According to police, as per the initial investigations the woman smothered her son to death before trying to commit suicide by slashing her wrist.
Study said that predictability and stability were lacking in the state