Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said the Police Telecom Department plays a big role in obtaining important information and delivering it accurately to all the places. Speaking at the foundation day event of the Police Telecommunication Department, Adityanath said, History bears witness to the fact that any force equipped with proper training, tools, and weapons has always emerged victorious." "Telecommunication Department plays a big role in obtaining other important information and delivering accurate information to all the places, he added. At the outset of the event held at the Police Radio Headquarters here, the chief minister was presented the Guard of Honour, following which he inaugurated the JC Bose Technology Exhibition. He extended his best wishes for the events scheduled to take place from October 1 to October 3 to mark the Foundation Day. The chief minister commended the state police's work during the Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj in 2019. The way the police conduc
These phones will have apps such as Twitter and all officers have been directed to open their accounts on the micro blogging site