Some of the big items include Rs 14,902 crore for fertiliser subsidy and Rs 30,170 crore for credit-linked subsidy scheme houses for economically weaker sections
The updated Public Financial Management System will complete one year in operation on March 31, but challenges to full integration remain
Govt must make data more timely, comparable and accessible
Terming FY21 as an 'exceptional year' Motilal Oswal Financial Services (MOFSL) in a report say government spending grew 2 per cent last fiscal.
However, expenditure related to containment of the pandemic is excluded from the scope of this order.
While tax collections provided some reprieve, the government seems to be consistently underperforming on the disinvestment side.
President Joe Biden portrayed the May jobs report as a jumping off point for more spending on infrastructure and education to keep growth going essentially an argument for his agenda
Govt must focus on providing relief to the needy at this point
The Congress on Tuesday asked the government to reverse its "disastrous" policies and heed to the advice of economists by printing more money and increase spending and not let another year go waste
The government has, either by design or accident, engineered a market with too many buyers and too few suppliers
The government can sharply reduce education spends by paying heed to the research findings by two Indian economists
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
With modest revenue effort, the burden of cutting the deficit will fall on a big expenditure contraction
Public spending push is expected to help push growth after pandemic slowdown in investments
India's better-than-expected recovery story was scripted by households, and not government spending or private sector investments
Says govt initiated big reforms in agriculture and labour codes
Agency had forecast a small contraction of one per cent during Q3
Current year will continue with a drop of 7-7.5% which is lower than the earlier anticipated 10%
Govt must decide fast on the timing and amount of stimulus
Attributes move to continued spread of Covid-19 pandemic