Another proposal is to levy a small cess on trades outside APMC or market yard but within the state. The cess may be a quarter of that currently levied when trades are done inside APMC
Farmer need only bring samples of their produce; post auction they can mutually decide with buyers on whether delivery will be from the farm gate or from some agreed warehouse
APMCs engaged in grains, pulses and oilseeds had seen an impact, thereby several of them shutting down amidst the 21-day lockdown announced by the Centre
APMCs had earlier voluntarily discontinued auctions of grains and pulses at the markets since these were non-perishables
Agriculture Produce Market Committees (APMCs) in Gujarat are now returning to normalcy after the recently ended weeklong transport strike had left the markets crippled. APMCs, especially those dealing with commodities produced largely in the state, are witnessing a surge in arrivals, thereby causing minor logistic hiccups in the interim."Arrivals and despatches had come to a standstill during the strike. However, while buyers from within and outside the state are getting back to normal, arrivals at the markets have surged by at least 50 per cent over and above the normal. While logistically we are finding it tough to manage for now, once the despatches too gain momentum, things should ease up," said Atul Kamani, President of Commission Agents' Association at Rajkot APMC which falls under the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. The region had seen an impact on arrivals of cotton, groundnut and pulses while Central and South Gujarat regions were reeling under fallen arrivals of fruits and ...