Congress leader Jairam Ramesh has sought breach of privilege proceedings against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Rajya Sabha for allegedly making "derogatory" remarks against former chairman of the Upper House Hamid Ansari. In his letter to Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, Ramesh also alleged that no prime minister has ever attacked a former speaker of Lok Sabha or chairman of Rajya Sabha in the manner in which Modi has done. "I wish to bring to your notice a serious incident of breach of privilege and contempt of the House on the part of the Prime Minister of India. On July 2, 2024, prime minister while replying to the discussion on the Motion of Thanks on the President's Address in Lok Sabha inter alia stated: 'No matter how many numbers they claim, when we came in 2014, our strength in the Rajya Sabha was very low, and the Chair's inclination was somewhat on the other side'," the Congress leader said. Notwithstanding the fact that the prime minister did not specifically too
Former vice president Mohammad Hamid Ansari, former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh, former deputy prime minister LK Advani and former Union minister Dr Murli Manohar Joshi have cast their votes using the home voting facility, the Delhi poll body said. The office of the chief electoral officer (CEO) of Delhi on Thursday kicked off the home voting facility for elderly voters and persons with disabilities (PwDs) and it will go on till May 24. According to the data shared by the office, 1409 voters cast their ballots from the comfort of their homes across all seven parliamentary constituencies in Delhi on Friday, which was the second day of the facility being started. The West Delhi constituency reported the highest number of home votes, with 348 voters participating. Among them, 299 were elderly individuals. With the completion of the second day, a total of 2,956 voters have exercised their right to vote from home, the CEO office said. "Former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh and .
The Congress party kept strategically quiet on the arrest of Teesta Setalvad. After its initial reaction, it seems the party now does not want to get too involved in defending Ansari, either
In a statement, he also rejected the allegation, made by the BJP citing comments of a former RAW functionary, that he had compromised national interest as India's ambassador to Iran
The external affairs ministry reacted to comments by former vice-president Hamid Ansari and four US lawmakers over the human rights situation, saying India is a robust and vibrant democracy
"Nationalism in its strident form is inseparable from the desire for power. It is an 'ideological poison' that has no hesitation in transcending and transgressing individual rights," he said.
However, Ansari stressed, that could not be done because efforts made to change history anywhere in the world have not succeeded
Outgoing VP Hamid Ansari has said that there is a sense of insecurity among India's Muslims
Ansari could freely pursue his basic ideology now after shedding Constitutional duties, says PM Modi
Ansari stirred a debated after he cited insecurity among Muslims
Ansari, 80, was first elected Vice President and Rajya Sabha chairman in 2007
Nobody expects such "petty comments" from a person holding such a high post: BJP general secretary
Interview with outgoing Vice-President of India
The vice president made the speech at the Panjab University
'This is not a happy state of affairs,' Ansari said expressing his annoyance.
Rising inequality is seen as a contributing cause for the rise of authoritarian leaders
The Vice President said that there is gross under-investment in health system
Country's proverbial poverty is largely related to the results from hydro-meteorological conditions, inequitable spatial distribution, said Ansari
He also said that India wants restructuring of the legal framework by adopting a comprehensive convention on international terrorism
Hamid Ansari said many of the global institutions do not yet give voice to Africa or the world's largest democracy