Kerala-based journalist Siddique Kappan, arrested in October 2020 while on his way to Hathras where a young Dalit woman had died after allegedly being gang-raped, has approached the Supreme Court seeking bail in the case. The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court had earlier this month rejected the bail application of Kappan, who was booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in the alleged Hathras conspiracy case. The plea was mentioned for urgent listing before a bench headed by Chief Justice N V Ramana, which agreed to list it on August 26. Advocate Haris Beeran mentioned the matter before the bench, also comprising Justices Hima Kohli and C T Ravikumar, and said the high court has denied bail to Kappan. "Presently, the petitioner has spent almost two years behind bars, on the basis of trumped up charges, only because he sought to discharge his professional duty of reporting on the infamous case of the Hathras rape/ murder," the plea said. "Therefore, the present
Vikas Kumar Vaidya, the Superintendent of Police (SP) in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras district, has been removed following the death of six Kanwariyas in a road accident
The 19-year-old woman had died at a Delhi hospital a fortnight after her alleged rape by four men from her village on September 14, 2020
The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP STF) has filed a charge sheet against eight members of Popular Front of India (PFI), including a journalist before a Mathura court.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Monday hit back at Amit Shah and asked why was the home minister silent during the Hathras rape case in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh
Adityanath on Tuesday directed officials to invoke the National Security Act (NSA) against all the four accused involved in the murder of Amrish Sharma, a resident of Hathras
The custody of four alleged Popular Front of India activists, booked for sedition after their arrest while going to the Hathras rape-murder victim's village in October, has been extended for 90 days
The year that started with nationwide protests against CAA and NRC has ended with ongoing protests against Farm Laws
Sexual assault on the 19-year-old Hathras victim cannot be ruled out as pattern of injuries sustained during sexual violence may show variations, AIIMS medical board's report submitted to the CBI said
The agency invoked charges of gangrape and murder against Sandeep, Luvkush, Ravi and Ramu
The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to entertain a plea which had sought proper implementation of guidelines regarding protection of identity of rape victims
The bench also directed the CBI, which is probing the case, to lay before it the status of investigation in the matter on the next date of hearing
A senior STF official said on Thursday that the team probing the conspiracy angle will soon visit the scene of the crime to investigate and collect facts
A group of women's organisations have called for a nationwide protest on October 29 against the alleged gang-rape of a Dalit woman in Hathras and demanded the resignation of Yogi Adityanath
The party has asked its state units to organise tractor rallies across the country in each state
A team of CBI, which is investigating the Hathras incident has reached the Bulgarhi village to question the family members of the accused in the alleged gang-rape of a woman who died last month
The cacophony on TV would have us believe that the character of India has changed, but this narrative too is distorted
The high-profile rape cases in Hathras, Unnao (2018) and Kathua (2018) show that the infrastructure slated under this fund is either absent or inefficient
A PIL has been filed in SC in Hathras incident seeking registration of criminal case under SC/ST Act against police personnel, medical staff and other government officials involved in the case
A team of the CBI, which has taken up the investigation of the Hathras incident, reached the victim's village Bulgadhi on Tuesday amid tight security, said the police