British tech firm Dyson on Wednesday announced its entry into the wearables category in the Indian market, with the launch of noise-cancelling headphones. The company, known for its vacuum cleaners and air purifiers, has introduced Dyson Zone noise-cancelling headphones equipped with a removable visor, which acts as an air purifier when travelling in polluted urban areas or in public transport, the company said. It has compressors in each earcup, which draws air through the double-layer filters and passes two streams of purified air to the user's nose and mouth through the non-contact visor, it said. Its electrostatic filters remove particles as small as 0.1 microns, while activated carbon filters absorb gases such as nitrogen dioxide, as per the company. Priced at Rs 59,900 and Rs 64,900 -- it is available in two models -- Ultra Blue and Absolute +, the company said. Some of its key features include up to 50 hours of continuous playback, with ultra-low distortion, advanced noise
Leading audio and wearables brand boAt on Thursday said it registered Rs 4,000 crore in net sales in FY23
The new headphones from Audio-Technica will be available through a network of online and offline retailers
The Sony WH-CH520 headphones are available online on ShopatSC website and leading e-commerce platforms, and offline at Sony retail stores
The WH-1000XM5 is the fifth iteration of Sony's flagship wireless headphones and competes at the top-end of the spectrum with the Bose 700 and the Apple AirPods Max
Named Philips TAH8506BK, the headphones are priced at Rs 10,999. It will be available for purchase on Amazon India
Select boAt products such as TWS, Neckbands, Portable Bluetooth Speakers, and Wired Earphones are now available on Blinkit
Unveiled in March, the Dyson Zone is arriving in China in January. It will be available in select other countries, including the US, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore, from March
The Brio 500 webcam series and the Zone Vibe 100 are retailed at Rs 14,999 and Rs 12,495, respectively
Started on November 29, the Sony Audio Days sale will continue until December 4. The sale is live on Sony online store, Amazon, Flipkart, and Sony retail stores
The Noise Air Buds 2 will be available in clear white and clear black colours on Noise's official website, Amazon, and Flipkart from November 24
The announced SENS audio products are water-resistant, compatible with both iOS and Android devices, and support Google Assistant and Siri voice assistants
Priced at Rs 30,800, the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT2 wireless over-ear headphones will be available on the e-commerce platform Amazon India
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that over 430 million people worldwide suffer from disabling hearing loss
The Noise Two headphones are available at Rs 1,499 on company's online store and e-commerce platform Amazon, Flipkart, and Myntra
Priced at Rs 8,499, the Nothing Ear (stick) will be available in India on Myntra and Flipkart from November 17
Tech giant Sony Electronics announced that it will release its smallest and lightest noise-cancelling wireless headphones LinkBuds S, made from Water Server bottles in a new colour
Sony India Re-writes the Rules with their Newest Industry-leading Noise Cancelling Headphones WH-1000XM5
Lightweight construction, clear audio, and stellar on-battery time drive the utility of the Audio-Technica ATH-M20xBT. Plus, it has both wireless and wired connectivity
The company claimed that its true adaptive noise cancelling with smart ambient enables users to stay aware of surroundings or enjoy conversations without having to remove the earbuds.