India's vegetable oils import rose 16 per cent to 167.1 lakh tonnes in the current oil year that ended in October 2023, driven by lower duty on certain edible oils, industry body SEA said on Monday. The country had imported 144.1 lakh tonnes of vegetable oils in the previous 2021-22 oil year (November-October). Out of the total vegetable oils, much of the imports were edible oils at 164.7 lakh tonnes, while non-edible oils were only 2.4 lakh tonnes during 2022-23 oil year. India is a leading vegetable oil buyer in the world. According to Mumbai-based Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEA), "Import of edible oils during the 2022-23 oil year has surged to 164.7 lakh tonnes. This increase of 24.4 lakh tonnes from previous year is driven by the current low of 5.5 per cent duty on crude palm oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil." This influx of imports has transformed India into a prime destination for excess oil supplies, it said in a statement. Notably, RBD Palmolein imports ..
Govt assistance will be in the form of non-plan grant of around Rs 27.56 crore to the firm