HCL founder Shiv Nadar topped as the most generous person in the country with an annual donation of Rs 1,161 crore, the EdelGive Hurun India Philanthropy List 2022 revealed on Thursday. Nadar, 77, has reclaimed the 'India's most generous' title with a donation of Rs 3 crore per day, according to the report. Wipro's Azim Premji, 77, slipped to the second position with an annual donation of Rs 484 crore after ruling at the top position for the last two consecutive years, it said. India's richest man Gautam Adani, 60, ranked seventh in Edelgive Hurun India Philanthropy List 2022, with a donation of Rs 190 crore. The report further revealed that in India a total of 15 individuals made an annual donation of over Rs 100 crore, 20 donated over Rs 50 crore and 43 over Rs 20 crore. A M Naik, 80, group chairman of Larsen and Toubro, who donated Rs 142 crore, is the country's most generous professional manager, the report stated. It further said that Nithin Kamath and Nikhil Kamath of Zerod
The valuation firms like Quikr, Paytm Mall, have dropped below $1 billion. Shopclues and Blinkit were acquired for a fraction of their billion-dollar valuation
For the second year running, Cancerians are most successful amongst the Hurun list. Sagittarians are among lukewarm contributors and absence of notable Bollywood and cricket personalities is puzzling
Kamath is followed by Bhavish Aggarwal of Ola Electric with a wealth of Rs 11,700 crore
More than 82% of the billionaires on the list are above the age of 50, and only 0.6 per cent of the rich in the list are below the age of 30, said the Hurun India study
Vohra stood at the 1,036th spot in the IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022, with a net worth of Rs 1,000 crore
The IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022 showed that 100 start-up founders in India have a net worth of more than $10 billion
Adani was far ahead of Reliance Industries' chairman Mukesh Ambani (Mukesh Ambani & family), whose wealth rose 11 per cent in the last one year
In just one year, the number of such startups has increased by 65%
A large part of the rise in the fortunes of these realty barons is attributed to a rally in the real estate stocks at the bourses. For the year under review, the BSE Realty index gained 55 per cent
Only Nikhil and Nithin Kamath, Ronnie Screwvala, Binny Bansal, and Radha & Sekar Vembu make the cut
RIL chairman Mukesh Ambani continued to be the richest man in India for the 10th consecutive year with a wealth of Rs 7.18 trn, shows IIFL Wealth-Hurun India Rich List 2021
India becomes the third largest startup ecosystem in the world
These households have average saving of Rs 20-lakh per annum and allocate mostly towards physical assets such as primary residential property and automobiles
The total value of these 11 companies grew 14 per cent and has been pegged at $805 billion or nearly a third of the Indian GDP
RIL chief Mukesh Ambani tops the list ninth year on the trot, his wealth surges 73% to Rs 6.58 trillion
Note ban, GST helped the rich to accumulate more wealth: Hurun; Mukesh Ambani retains the richest Indian title for the sixth year running