Union New and Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh on Thursday said his ministry will come out with detailed guidelines and standards for making India a global hub for hydrogen manufacturing. The comment comes a day after the Union Cabinet approved the National Green Hydrogen Mission with an outlay of Rs 19,744 crore. "We will come out with a detailed order after clearance by the Cabinet," Singh said during a media interaction. The Mission is expected to attract Rs 8 lakh crore of investment to produce 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen per annum in the next five years. The incentives provided under the Mission are aimed at bringing down the cost of green hydrogen. "We have decided that electrolysers can be made in India. So, we have worked out the PLI (production linked incentive) scheme for their domestic manufacturing that will cover manufacture of 15 gigawatts (GW) capacity. But we expect the capacity to be established to be almost in the region of 60 GW (by 2030)," he added.
Plan to have four components; domestic manufacturing of electrolysers key focus area
NTPC recently signed separate MoUs with three of its OEMs - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, GE and Siemens to explore the possibility of hydrogen blending at its gas units
It will also result in cumulative reduction in fossil fuel imports of over Rs 1 trillion and abatement of nearly 50 MMT of annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
'People are looking to get into the manufacturing supply chain, governments are looking at expanding transmission infrastructure,' said ReNew Power founder & CEO, Sumant Sinha
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday asked banks to give loans at reduced interest rates to those seeking to buy vehicles that run on clean energy, including flex fuel, electricity and hydrogen. Speaking at the golden jubilee celebrations of a cooperative bank in Kalyan in Maharashtra's Thane district, the Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways said it was his dream that vehicles running on diesel and petrol get phased out in the next four to five years. He said banks must rate industries based on thee performance on various parameters over the past five years and give those scoring high marks loans within 24 hours, adding credibility and goodwill would be the biggest capital in the 21st century. Speaking about passenger benefits if public transport turns towards electric vehicles, Gadkari said the cost of operation of a non-air conditioned electric bus is Rs 39 per kilometre, while it is Rs 41 per kilometre for an AC electric bus. "All buses in cities like Thane, Kalyan
But there's still a long way to create a viable tech for this
MD Vinayak Pai says firm will not deploy its own capital in this space, but will work with customers who are ready to invest in these projects
Rolls-Royce and easyJet said that they have successfully run an aircraft engine using green hydrogen created by wind and tidal power
The ground test, using a converted Rolls-Royce AE 2100-A regional aircraft engine, used green hydrogen created by wind and tidal power, the British company said on Monday
India will be one of the first markets to receive Cummins' hydrogen engines, the company said
"We are in a position to make green hydrogen as our main source of energy in the future," Prabhat Kumar, an additional secretary of the external affairs ministry, said at an industry event.
India is expected to pitch green bonds and similar such new age financing tools for investment in the Indian renewable energy sector
The goal was to achieve a range of 1,000 kilometres on a single tank of hydrogen, according to Alstom on Thursday. The new hydrogen trains are designed to cover approximately that distance
Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Friday
Interest on the buyers' side is rising too
Undeterred by the absence of policy or supply chain, conglomerates, and RE companies are investing heavily in this new fuel.
Manufactured by French company, Alstom, these Coradia iLint trains only emit steam and condensed water and have a range of up to 1,000 km with a maximum speed of 140 kmph
The plant will produce 45 kg of green hydrogen daily, which will be used for captive consumption in the company's Hazira manufacturing complex
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday asked the state governments to clear power sector companies' dues which are estimated at around Rs 2.5 lakh crore