Agro-chemical firm Crystal Crop Protection Ltd on Wednesday said it has raised Rs 300 crore from IFC to fund its expansion and growth plans. International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. According to a statement, the "investment of Rs 300 crore (approx USD 37 million) by IFC and IFC Emerging Asia Fund (EAF)" will help Crystal Crop to boost farm productivity, reduce supply chain disruptions, and set up a robust infrastructure for sustainable production of crop protection products. The statement did not mention the dilution of stake by Crystal Crop for raising this equity fund from IFC. The project will increase farmers' access to customised, affordable, and environment-friendly crop protection products. The IFC Emerging Asia Fund, launched in 2016, makes equity and equity-like investments across all sectors in emerging markets in Asia alongside IFC. The ...
Vayana Network as part of its Series C round had already raised Rs 283 crore from new and existing investors
This is nearly half of its investment in the whole of South Asia since the pandemic, which touched USD 3.8 billion as of June 2021, it said.
Green housing is regarded as a luxury market in the country, but has climate benefits. IFC said its partnership with HDFC would help change perceptions about the market.
International Finance Corporation, a private sector investment arm of the World Bank Group, has decided to provide loan of $250 million to promote affordable green housing finance
International Finance Corporation, member of the World Bank Group, is investing $16.5 million in genetic diagnostics and research company MedGenome to increase access to Covid-19 testing in India
Seeks shareholders nod for extra Rs 4,000 cr in equity capital
International Finance Corporation (IFC) has proposed an equity investment up to $20 million into Faering Capital International Growth Fund III or Faering III
International Finance Corporation (IFC) plans to debt finance the construction of Thar Surya 1 Pvt Ltd's 300 MW solar power project in Bikaner, Rajasthan by $50 million
The JV will invest in district cooling, trigeneration and cooling as a service offering with a primary focus on India followed by other South-East Asian countries
upGrad has almost doubled its users in six months and aims to touch 10 lakh by the end of 2021
Parag was established in 1992 and is one of India's largest dairy companies
Two of the four projects being funded are planned in Kochi and Bengaluru, with saleable area of 4.5 mn sq ft. About 4,000 housing units will be built in next 5-7 seven years
The proposed $75 million long-term financing will be in the form of Non-Convertible Debentures
IFC, which owns equity stakes in many large commercial banks in emerging markets, hopes the restrictions will trigger other investors to exit the coal sector
The company will raise $30 mn from IFC to support the proposed expansion plan for its pipeline of vaccines and pharma products, besides playing a role in expediting Covid-19 vaccine development
The proposed IFC infusion would fund the incremental working capital requirements due to the impact of Covid-19
ETC India is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ETC Group Ltd (ETG), a strategic client of MAS Agribusiness with investments in Africa and India
World Bank's investment arm IFC to back the project through loan and equity investment