Beating the previous record by 50 times, IIT Madras-incubated startup GUVI and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has set the Guinness world record in upskilling Indians in Python programming language. They set the record for "most numbers of users to take a programming lesson in 24 hours".As many as 1,12,319 people participated in the 'AI-for-India' Initiative organized on April 24-25, 2021 by GUVI and AICTE which primary aim to reach out one million Indians and upskill them in the Python programme language."More than six lakh users across 28 states registered for their highly anticipated AI-For-India event and around 1.12 lakh users completed building the face recognition app in the online workshop," SP Balamurugan, Co-Founder & CEO, GUVI told ANI.Participants from various backgrounds like school kids, high school students, college graduates, job seekers, and experienced IT and non-IT professionals took part in the event."Students and working professionals from .
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras researchers are studying the high transmission rate and mortality of SARS-CoV-2
Tvasta, a startup incubated at IIT-M and L&T Construction, believes that 3D printing in construction is the answer to India's housing issue
Using molecular dynamics simulations, the research team have shown that introducing electrostatic interaction sites on potential drug molecules can enhance the efficacy of the antiviral
The satellite campus will host standalone Research Centres, will have its own support infra such as hostels, common instrumentation labs, and conference facilities
Chloride-rich particles resulting from plastic burning may be primarily responsible for haze and fog formation, the study said
The post graduate students, research scholars and others have been asked to be confined to their rooms with arrangements made to deliver food to them
The infected include research scholars, staff and students. management's decision to run only one mess could be reason for spread
Of the 444 samples lifted till date, 104 have tested positive for Covid-19 at the institute
Some of the second-generation IITs that Business Standard spoke with have seen more job offers from the start of the first phase of final placements to date than compared to the previous year
Agnikul, a Chennai-based start-up, is building a small satellite launch vehicle
The IIT-incubated start-up is likely to give product demonstrations by 2021
Following Sony was Honda (R&D) Japan with 8.2 million JPY/annum or Rs 57.85 lakh
Microsoft, Texas Instruments among top recruiters at IITs in terms of offers
As many as 182 offers were made to IIT Madras students this academic year (as on November 28, 2020) as against 170 offers during the entire 2019-20 academic year
This system can also be equipped with an echo sounder, GPS System and broadband communication technology, to deliver precise depth measurements
Funding to be done under 'IND Spring Board' initiative for both working capital and fixed asset purchases
IIT Delhi, which recently concluded the first phase of the internship hiring process with over 300 offers, saw international training offers from Hong Kong, South Korea and the US
The IIT-Madras incubated startup said it is on track to undertake the launch by the end of 2021
Microsoft India, Google, Jane Street and Rubrik among companies that made offers of internship