The IIT-incubated start-up is likely to give product demonstrations by 2021
Following Sony was Honda (R&D) Japan with 8.2 million JPY/annum or Rs 57.85 lakh
Microsoft, Texas Instruments among top recruiters at IITs in terms of offers
As many as 182 offers were made to IIT Madras students this academic year (as on November 28, 2020) as against 170 offers during the entire 2019-20 academic year
This system can also be equipped with an echo sounder, GPS System and broadband communication technology, to deliver precise depth measurements
Funding to be done under 'IND Spring Board' initiative for both working capital and fixed asset purchases
IIT Delhi, which recently concluded the first phase of the internship hiring process with over 300 offers, saw international training offers from Hong Kong, South Korea and the US
The IIT-Madras incubated startup said it is on track to undertake the launch by the end of 2021
Microsoft India, Google, Jane Street and Rubrik among companies that made offers of internship
Up go 99.00 per cent of the pathogen can be deactivated using textiles coated with nano particles
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Madras, Bombay and Delhi have bagged the top three positions in the Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovations Achievements (ARIIA) announced on Tuesday. The ARIIA is an initiative of the Ministry of Education to systematically rank higher education institutions and universities on indicators related to innovation. The ranking is done in six categories -- centrally-funded institutes of national importance, state-funded universities, state-funded autonomous institutions, deemed universities, private institutions, and women-only higher educational institutions. In the first category, IISc Bangalore and IIT Kharagpur have bagged the fourth and fifth ranks, respectively. Seven IITs figure in the top 10 under the category which also includes Kanpur, Mandi and Roorkee, apart from those named above. The Institute of Chemical Technology, Maharashtra, has been ranked top among state-funded universities, followed by Panjab University and Chaudhar
IIT Madras excelled due to a strong entrepreneurial eco-system that encourages students to become job-generators; 674 Institutions took part in ARIIA Rankings this year versus 496 last year
Hospital can be installed by four people in just two hours anywhere
Institutes like IISc, IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad claimed the top spots in other categories such as universities, and engineering and management institutes
HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal "Nishank" released the NIRF rankings today. Check out the top colleges and universities here
There has been a lot of focus on lowering carbon footprint of vehicles by using light-weight material in their bodies, as lighter vehicles consumer less fuel
The nano-engineered diamond coating technology developed by Kapindra, an IIT-Madras incubated start-up has applications in aerospace, defence, medical and electronics industries
The initiative is in line with the company's efforts to promote growth and career progression for its engineering talent
India has a total of over 30 million passenger vehicles
The drone can track down rogue drones visually and hack into their GPS navigation system