Delhi Police on Wednesday launched a drive for the identification of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants residing in the national capital, a day after the LG Secretariat ordered a crackdown on such persons. "The drive was conducted at various parts of Delhi including Kalindi Kunj, Shaheen Bagh and Jamia Nagar areas. The local police officers conducted door-to-door verifications where they checked their Aadhaar cards and voter IDs," a police officer said. "Some of the residents were identified as suspects. They may be sent to the detention centre after the completion of legal process," the officer said. The Delhi LG Secretariat on Tuesday directed the chief secretary and police commissioner of Delhi to launch a two-month special drive to identify and take strict action against illegal Bangladeshi immigrants residing in the national capital. Another police officer said cases may be registered if the immigrants are found to be staying illegally or involved in any illegal activity. Delhi h
Giving the details, the BSF said two Bangladeshi nationals from Dhaka were nabbed near the Rahimpur border outpost (BOP) in Kalamchaura police station area of the Sipahijala district
The Odisha government has stepped up vigil along its 480-kilometer coastline to prevent influx of people from turmoil hit Bangladesh, a senior police officer said. The state is located about 200 kilometres away from the Bangladesh coast. People from Bangladesh used to (illegally) enter Odisha using small boats. According to information received through different channels, it is learnt that many criminal elements have come out of jails during the unrest in Bangladesh. Those elements may try to sneak into India, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order), Sanjay Kumar, said. The priority is to check the entry of such people into India, he said. We have put our 18 marine police stations on high alert. The ADG coastal security has opened a control room and the state has deployed all employees, boats and other equipment at strategic locations, Kumar said. The additional director general of police (coastal security) has been in touch with the Coast Guard and Navy, he said. K
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh said that biometric details of 24 people from Myanmar, including 16 women, were collected in Tengnoupal district as part of an exercise to identify illegal immigrants from the neighbouring country. The state police along with Assam Rifles personnel and a team of officials collected the biometric details of these Myanmarese people residing in Govajang village on Wednesday, he said. "...a combined team of DC, Tengnoupal led by Md. Ejaj, SDO, Moreh, E-Coy 5 AR, Moreh and OC, Moreh Police Station along with joint bio-metric team of Tengnoupal conducted search of houses in Govajang Village for purpose of re-verification/re-identification of individuals residing in the village," Singh posted on Facebook. "During the exercise, 24 (Male-8, Female-16) of Myanmar origin were identified. Further, their biometric were captured by the team," he said. The state government had started the identification process earlier, but it came to a halt after violence br
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday launched a special programme under which the immigration process of pre-verified Indian nationals and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders will be fast-tracked, an official said. The Fast Track Immigration-Trusted Traveller Programme (FTI-TTP) is a "visionary initiative" by the government, thoughtfully designed for Indian nationals and OCI cardholders, the official said. Eligible individuals will need to apply online and submit their biometrics (fingerprint and facial image) along with other required information as specified in the application form. The FTI registration will be valid for a maximum of five years or until the validity of the passport, whichever comes first, he said. Approved applications would receive a message to schedule an appointment to provide their biometrics details. Applicants may provide their biometrics at designated international airports in India or the nearest Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO)
The Ministry of Home Affairs on Tuesday launched a portal for people eligible to apply for Indian citizenship under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019, an official spokesperson said. The move came a day after the government notified rules for implementation of the CAA 2019. "The Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024 under the CAA-2019 have been notified. A new portal has been launched, persons eligible under CAA-2019 can apply for citizenship on this portal," the spokesperson said. A mobile app 'CAA-2019' will also be launched shortly to facilitate applications through mobile app. The Centre on Monday implemented the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, notifying the rules four years after the law was passed by Parliament to fast-track citizenship for undocumented non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who came to India before December 31, 2014. With the unveiling of the rules, the Modi government will now start granting Indian .
A total of 8,565 migrants died on land and sea routes worldwide last year, the U.N. migration agency said Wednesday, a record high since it began counting deaths a decade ago. The International Organization for Migration said the biggest increase in deaths last year was on the treacherous Mediterranean Sea crossing, to 3,129 from 2,411 in 2022. However, that was well below the record 5,136 deaths recorded on the Mediterranean in 2016 as huge numbers of Syrians, Afghans and others fled conflicts toward Europe. IOM said the total number of deaths among migrants in 2023 was nearly 20% more than the previous year. It said most of the deaths last year, about 3,700, came from drowning. The count also includes migrants who vanished often while trying to cross by sea and are presumed dead even if their bodies were not found. The Geneva-based migration agency cautioned that the figures likely underestimate the real toll, and factors such as improved data collection methods play a part in
The Navi Mumbai police have found 506 foreign nationals, including 411 Nigerians, who were residing illegally in their jurisdiction in the past year, a senior official said on Saturday. These persons had either entered India without proper documentation or overstayed their visas, he said. The police came across these during raids and searches conducted as part of their efforts to crack down on the sale of drugs in the area, said Navi Mumbai police chief Milind Bharambe. Many of the 411 Nigerians were found to be involved in drug-related offences, he said. The police have also initiated action against landlords who sheltered illegal foreigners in their properties. A total of 483 foreigners, identified as staying illegally in Navi Mumbai, have been served notices to leave the country, the official said.
A couple from Burdwan has been granted bail after spending 301 days in Bengaluru prison on suspicion of being illegal Bangladeshi
Police in Uttar Pradesh's Gautam Buddh Nagar secured a three-day custody of a Chinese national, who was arrested earlier this week on charges of staying illegally in India, and his Indian girlfriend
In return, young Indian professionals will be permitted to live and work in Britain for up to two years
Border Guard Bangladesh claimed that no illegal immigration is taking place into India from the neighbouring country
When people move to cities and countries, there is tension between "insiders" and "outsiders"
Union Minister Rai said instances of illegal migrants who came as travellers, tourists or traders overstaying between 2014-17 was only 1,000 as compared to 1.34 lakh between 2008 and 2013
Centres to house illegal migrants is a bad idea
Influx of illegal Bangladeshis is a major issue in Assam and the state government is now coming out with a national register of citizens to find out those living illegally