The BJP alleged on Thursday that the Congress, ahead of the CWC meeting in Karnataka's Belagavi, put up welcome banners with a distorted map of India, and asked the party whether it is following a "signal" from anti-India forces like US-based billionaire investor George Soros. The Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) charge came after its Karnataka unit posted on X pictures of a banner and a welcome flex allegedly put up by the Congress in Karnataka ahead of its working committee meeting. "@INCKarnataka has shown utter disrespect for India's sovereignty by displaying a distorted map at their Belagavi event, portraying Kashmir as part of Pakistan. All this just to appease their vote bank. This is shameful!" the Karnataka BJP posted on X, along with pictures. There was no immediate reaction from the Congress on the BJP's charge. "Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Aksai Chin appear to be missing from the map used by the Congress. The important thing is that it (the map) has been used with
The Kashmiri migrants' delegations said before the Commission that they were persecuted and forced to live in exile as refugees in their own country for the last three decades
Genesys Chairman and Managing Director Sajid Malik said the company has the capacity to finish the project for 100 cities within 18 months
The microblogging platform removed the map on Monday night
The police in Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr district have lodged an FIR against two senior officials of Twitter India over the social media platform putting up a distorted map of India
Sharma called on the BBC to withdraw the graphic and republish with the correct geographical boundaries and also called for action to prevent this happening again
The notice was issued to Twitter by the Ministry of Electronics and IT on November 9
The government has shot off a stern letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and asserted that any attempt by the platform to disrespect the country's sovereignty and integrity is totally unacceptable
Government sources said the Pakistani action was "blatant violation" of the SCO charter
Recently, Twitter had shown the geographical location of Kashmir in China and Jammu in Pakistan triggering protests from the Indian government after which it was corrected