Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that over two crore COVID vaccine doses have been administered to beneficiaries in the age group 15-18 years."Now the youth is coming forward to make the world's largest vaccine drive a success. We have already vaccinated 2 crore children between 15-18 years of age," PM Modi said after inaugurating the Technology Centre of the MSME Ministry and Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Manimandapam in Puducherry through video conference.According to a statement issued by the Union Health Ministry, as many as 2,82,74,847 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to beneficiaries aged between 15-18 year since January 3.During the event, the Prime Minister also unveiled selected essays on "Mere Sapno ka Bharat" and "Unsung Heroes of Indian Freedom Movement". These essays have been selected from submissions by over 1 lakh youth on the two themes.The Prime Minister said, "We have had many such fighters in the freedom struggle, whose contribution did not
Over 930,000 people receive precautionary third shot of Covid-19 vaccine
The government opened up vaccination for those between 15 and 18 years starting Monday with only Bharat Biotech's Covaxin permitted for this category
Day 1 to see a few hundred shots administered at most sites
150 mn doses of Corbevax, Covovax expected monthly from March
Looks for global partners to produce and distribute vaccine - BBV154
Zydus Cadila's yet to be launched DNA plasmid vaccine ZyCoV-D is expected to add to the vaccine supply
The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed the 140-crore landmark milestone on Friday, the Union Health Ministry said. More than 59 lakh (59,53,621) vaccine doses have been administered till 7 pm on Friday, it said. The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night, the ministry said. The countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16 with healthcare workers getting inoculated in the first phase. The vaccination of frontline workers started from February 2. The next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from March 1 for people over 60 years and those aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions. The country launched vaccination for all people aged more than 45 years from April 1. The government then decided to expand its vaccination drive by allowing everyone above 18 to be vaccinated from May 1.
The Hyderabad-based vaccine maker conducted phase 2 trials on 650 volunteers
The COVID-19 vaccines can be "tweaked" to provide protection against new variants of the virus, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, Director Dr Randeep Guleria said. His remarks come amid rising cases of the Omicron variant of coronavirus and the ongoing debate about whether a booster shot is needed to increase antibodies. Speaking at a programme organised here in Maharashtra on Sunday, Dr Guleria said that as far as the severity of the Omicron variant is concerned, the next few weeks will be very crucial. "Although there is this new variant of COVID-19, the silver lining is that it does seem to be a milder disease and we should have protection as far as the vaccine is concerned. And I think it is important to remember that vaccines can be tweaked," Dr Guleria here said on Sunday. "We will have second-generation vaccines. This is something which we need to keep in mind. The current vaccines are effective but with new variants, they will decrease on immunity, ...
The cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed 134.53 crore on Tuesday, the Union Health Ministry said.
Compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 has become mandatory in Puducherry from Sunday, Lt Governor Tamilsai Soundararajan said.
The countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16
Specific cluster outbreaks of Covid-19 in various parts of the country are also being investigated, INSACOG said
Of the 36 states and Union Territories for which vaccination data is available, 20 states recorded a rise in vaccination growth during the last week.
The cumulative number of Covid vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 125 crore on Wednesday, the Union Health Ministry said.
The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation is working on a comprehensive policy on a booster shot and additional doses in the next two weeks
The country launched vaccination for all people aged more than 45 years from April 1
The next phase of Covid-19 vaccination commenced from March 1 for people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified comorbid conditions
Bharat Biotech made 55 million doses of Covaxin in October, and aims to make 80 million doses in December.