From good times, India's airlines flew into hard times last year, with cut-throat competition ensuring cheap tickets but also pushing some companies in the red. Here is what 2020 might hold for them
In 2019, domestic air passenger traffic in India stood at 14.41 crore, an increase of nearly four per cent compared to the previous year, as per the latest official data.
SpiceJet Ltd., which has as many as 205 737 Max jets on order, has said it may buy at least 100 Airbus planes worth more than $10 billion
Indian carriers are paying a much higher cost of operation and, therefore, they are not competitive with others, he said
Besides, the airline, in a release, also announced the launch of Rajkot as its 54th destination, with a direct flight services from here to Gujarat's fourth-largest city
The financial implications of aircraft flying West from Delhi being forced to take circuitous routes to at least 27 destinations would be severe
Strong fundamentals, including low crude oil prices, stable air-travel demand, and a range-bound rupee, analysts believe, make a strong case for the airline's expansion
India was one of the fastest growing domestic aviation markets in the world but growth turned negative in April mainly on account of Jet Airways crisis
Due to intense competition, the domestic market share of Air India, Jet Airways and SpiceJet fell marginally in 2018 even though their passenger count increased
'India is certainly an aviation power. There is no question about that', said SpiceJet chief Ajay Singh
The present trends in air transport suggest passenger numbers could double to 8.2 billion in 2037
At the heart of commercial aviation industry's problems lies deregulation
Blame the woes on everything from lax hedging policies to India's exorbitant fuel taxes and overambitious fleet expansion
Clocking high double-digit growth for more than two years, India's domestic aviation market is one of the fastest growing in the world
The US stood at around 900 million passenger trips per year and China was at 600 million