After investing over Rs 36,200 crore last month, foreign investors continued their positive momentum and infused Rs 4,500 crore in the Indian equity markets so far in December, mainly due to the decline in the dollar index. However, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) turned sellers in the last four trading sessions and pulled out Rs 3,300 crore as they are adopting a cautious stance ahead of the US Federal Reserve's decision on the interest rate. Going forward, in the near term, FPIs are likely to make only modest purchases in performing sectors and may continue to sell and book profits in sectors where they are sitting on big profits, VK Vijayakumar, Chief Investment Strategist at Geojit Financial Services, said. More money is likely to move into cheaper markets like China and South Korea where the valuations are compelling now, he noted. "Even though India will continue to attract foreign capital the high valuations in India will be a deterrent," Vijayakumar added. According to
While India has been a standout market this year, with the NSE Nifty 50 Index up above 7%, compared to an 18% slump in global stocks, it remains the most expensive in Asia
The new norms will make it mandatory for ceiling fans to have star ratings, as is currently the case with air conditioners and refrigerators
UCITS is a regulatory framework of the European Commission for management and sale of mutual funds
After a sustained run, the benchmark Nifty is likely to move sideways and action could shift to the broader market
It raised Rs 216 crore by issuing fresh equity in the IPO
This is the fourth straight day that the stock has hit the upper circuit, BSE data showed
Strategists at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. expect Asia's equity leadership to shift from Southeast Asia and India to markets like China and Korea next year
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With a 10 per cent fall in equity markets, the embedded value of LIC declines by 7 per cent
This came following a net outflow of just Rs 8 crore last month and Rs 7,624 crore in September, data with the depositories showed
CLOSING BELL: The Nifty PSU Bank index sharply outperformed other indices as it gained 4.5 per cent
Bank Nifty index has been outperforming the benchmark Nifty. It has gained 4% in the past one month and 16% YTD. In comparison, Nifty is up less than 2% both on a one-month and YTD basis
If you have been following technical analysis in financial markets, you must have come across the word 'trendline'. But what is it? When should you plot them? How reliable they can be? Let's find out
With this, the total outflow by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) has reached Rs 1.75 trillion so far in 2022, data with the depositories showed
Equity markets battled a number of headwinds in Samvat 2078. As we enter Samvat 2079, we take a step back to delve into what led to a disappointing Samvat 2078 since last Diwali. Here's a report
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The company is issuing 2.4 billion new shares at Rs 5 apiece; proceeds will be used pare debt, which currently stands at Rs 3,272 crore
The decoupling of Indian equity markets, this year, from the global markets has been remarkable. While the S&P 500 has lost over 20 per cent in CY22 so far, the Nifty50 index is marginally in the red
Retail investments in MF rise as flows into bank deposits drop