Realty firm Godrej Properties Ltd has raised Rs 6,000 crore by selling shares to institutional investors, including Singapore sovereign wealth firm GIC and SBI Pension, through qualified institutional placement (QIP) route as it looks to expand business amid strong demand for residential plots and apartments. On November 27th, the company launched its QIP issue to raise up to Rs 6,000 crore. The company has raised this amount by diluting nearly 8 per cent of equity through the QIP issue, which was closed on Monday. The QIP Placement Committee of the board approved the issue price of Rs 2,595 per equity share, which is at a discount of Rs 132.44 (4.86 per cent of the floor price) to the floor price of Rs 2,727.44 per equity share. It also approved the allocation of 2,31,21,387 equity shares to be allotted to eligible qualified institutional buyers. In a regulatory filing on Tuesday, Godrej Properties informed that the QIP issue saw a strong demand of around 4 times the size of the ..
Meanwhile, Adani Energy Solutions has raised Rs 8,373 crore via QIP in August, making it the largest fundraise in the Indian power sector.
Godrej Properties will raise Rs 6,000 crore by selling equity shares to institutional investors through QIP issue as it looks to expand business amid strong demand for residential plots and apartments. On Wednesday, the company has launched its Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) issue to raise up to Rs 6,000 crore. According to market sources, Godrej Properties has received a strong response from domestic and global investors and the company will raise the entire Rs 6,000 crore. The QIP issue is likely to be closed on Thursday. Last month, the company's board approved raising of up to Rs 6,000 crore through the issue of securities. In a regulatory filing on Wednesday, Godrej Properties informed that the QIP Placement Committee approved the floor price for the QIP issue at Rs 2,727.44 per equity share. Godrej Properties' share price closed at Rs 2,833.05 apiece on Wednesday, down 2.35 per cent from Tuesday. Godrej Properties is one of the leading developers in the country.
Nearly 64 per cent of Indian organisations surveyed were hit by ransomware attacks in 2023, a latest report by Sophos said on Tuesday, noting that while the attack rates fell year-on-year, the impact on victims actually intensified. The average ransom demand was USD 4.8 million, with 62 per cent of demands exceeding USD 1 million. The median ransom paid was USD 2 million, the report by the global cybersecurity solutions provider said. Put simply, ransomware refers to malicious software or malware that seizes files on a computer, network share, backups, and server, and encrypts them, following which the attacker exhorts the user to cough up money to unlock the files. Typically, ransomware attacks come with a timeline, threatening users that if ransomware demands are not fulfilled, the users will lose files. According to the 'State of Ransomware in India 2024' report by Sophos, there has been a decrease in the rate of ransomware attacks against Indian organisations from the 73 per c
Fuelled by improved market sentiments and robust underlying demand, fundraising by issuing shares/units to institutional investors soared to Rs 78,000 crore in 2023-24, a more than seven-fold surge year-on-year. The 2024-25 fiscal is expected to be very robust as companies will continue to garner capital for capex post-election results. "In an unprecedented era of economic development aided by pro-business reforms and macroeconomic stability, India is set to become the third largest economy globally by 2027 and will continue to see strong flows. "In this backdrop, we expect FY25 to also very strong year from a primary capital perspective as companies will continue to look to raise capital for capex post-election results," Neha Agarwal, MD & Head of Equity Capital Markets at JM Financial Ltd, told PTI. Financial companies raise funds through qualified institutional placement (QIP) to meet their additional capital requirement buffer to support their growth plans and enhance their ...
The QIP floor price is set at Rs 2,449.96 per share, and issue price will be determined after a committee meeting on December 21
Fundraising through the issuance of shares to qualified institutional investors has seen hectic activity in the first half of the current fiscal year (FY24), with 20 companies mobilising over Rs 18,400 crore, more than four-fold from the year-ago period, on positive investors' sentiments. Moreover, the robust trend of Qualified Institutional Placements (QIPs) in the first half of the fiscal year 2023-24 is expected to persist throughout the second half of the year too, Sanjay Moorjani, Research Analyst at SAMCO Securities, told PTI. Prashant Rao, Director and Head of Equity Capital Markets, Anand Rathi Investment Banking, said that market and investor sentiments play an important role for these issuances. Till the time market sentiments are positive and investors are earning returns, listed companies would prefer to raise funds through QIP which allows them to have faster access to funds. "We believe the second half of this year also to be positive for QIP issuances," he ...
Disclosures around utilisation of issue proceeds not as exhaustive as IPOs: Rating agencies
Rising interest rates, too, do not augur well for corporate India as they will make raising money via debt expensive
In comparison, they had mopped-up Rs 46.64 billion in the corresponding period of 2016-17 fiscal