Pakistan on Friday confirmed that it has 682 Indian prisoners detained in its jails, as Islamabad and New Delhi exchanged a list of civilian prisoners and fishermen in their custody
The top court noted that in contradistinction to parole, in furlough, the prisoner is deemed to be serving the sentence inasmuch as the period of furlough is not reduced from actual serving period
Three in four prisoners in India's jails are under trial, according to government data for the year 2020. This is the highest share of undertrial detainees in prison since at least 1995.
Products made by inmates generate sales that rival some of India's largest companies
The death sentence of 29 convicts was commuted to life imprisonment in 2020, according to the NCRB
Sri Lanka will hand over two Indian prisoners, who have been serving life imprisonment in the island nation, to India on Wednesday and Thursday under the SAARC prisoners exchange agreement
The Supreme Court ordered that prisoners, who were released by the high powered committees of states during the second wave of COVID-19, will not be asked to surrender until further orders.
Ashok Gehlot released a feature film made by the prisons department and claimed that the jail system in the state is better compared with other parts of the country.
Supreme Court directed the states and UTs to furnish details of prisoners who have been released on interim bail or parole in pursuance to the last month's order
To contain the spread of Covid-19 infection, the Odisha government on Thursday decided that no Covid-19 infected person be kept inside the jail premises.
Seven in 10 of the 478,600 people in prison in Indian jails are under trial, according to the 2019 National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data on prisons
Jails across India remained overcrowded in 2019 with these facilities lodging 4.78 lakh prisoners against the actual capacity of 4.03 lakh, reveals the latest data by the NCRB.
A total of 10,480 inmates have been released from jails across Maharashtra to reduce crowding inside jails
Torture in police custody is "routine" in India, experts say, and is mostly used to coerce suspects to give up information and build evidence during an investigation
In Delhi's Tihar prison that is bursting at the seams, 1,500 inmates are likely to be released soon in the second batch, officials said on Monday.
Pakistan will release 146 fishermen on January 8