Intensifying its crackdown on finfluencers, markets regulator Sebi on Monday restrained seven entities, including Mohd Nasiruddin Ansari, who ran unauthorised investment advisory services in the name of 'Baap of Chart', for up to one year. The regulator also directed the entities -- Nasiruddin Ansari, Rahul Rao Padamati, Tabraiz Abdullah, Asif Iqbal Wani, Golden Syndicate Ventures Pvt Ltd (GSVPL), Mansha Abdullah and Jadav Vamshi -- to refund Rs 17.2 crore within three months. Ansari runs a profile on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) by the name of 'Baap of Chart' where he used to offer buy/sell recommendations in the stock market. The recommendations were given in the garb of providing educational training related to the securities market, according to Sebi. Additionally, the regulator slapped a penalty of Rs 20 lakh on Ansari, Rs 2 lakh each on Padamati, Tabraiz Abdullah, Wani, GSVPL, Mansha Abdullah, and Vamshi. "In my view, unregistered investment advisors like Nasir
Speaking at the Global Fintech Fest, he said there was successful engagement with the technology providers who are complying with the regulator's request
Ali Bhatt, Ajay Banga, Sakshi Malik, Dev Patel, Priyamvada Natarajan, Ajay Banga, Satya Nadella, and Jigar Shah named in Time's 100 most influential list
World Bank President Ajay Banga, Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Olympian wrestler Sakshi Malik and actor-director Dev Patel are among the Indians who have made it to the prestigious Times's list of 100 most influential people in the world released on Wednesday. Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2024' also includes US Department of Energy's Loan Programmes Office director Jigar Shah, Professor of Astronomy and Professor of Physics at Yale University Priyamvada Natarajan; Indian-origin restaurateur Asma Khan; as well as Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's widow Yulia Navalnaya. Time's profile of the former Mastercard CEO, written by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, said, It's not easy to find a leader with the skill and drive to take on the monumental task of transforming an essential institution, but since becoming World Bank president last June, Ajay Banga has done just that." She said Banga comes to the World Bank after leading a global ...
The Reserve Bank is not planning to issue any separate norms to regulate social media influencers pedalling their personal views on the financial markets since sector watchdog Sebi is already on it. Addressing media after the monetary policy announcement on Thursday wherein the central bank has for the second time in a row left the key policy rates unchanged, governor Shaktikanta Das said, "The RBI is not planning to issue any separate guidelines to regulate financial market influencers since the Sebi is already doing so". Sebi has been planning to direct brokers and mutual funds to limit the use of financial influencers to curb the spread of financial advice via social media advertising and marketing campaigns. Social media influencers peddle personal views or those paying them on financial markets or stocks. Since January 2022, Sebi has been saying it would come out with regulations to tame the so-called financial influencers, it has not yet issued anything but has been acting ..
Consumer affairs dept deploys advanced tech to ensure compliance
Sundar isn't registered with Sebi, has been giving options trading advice and training on his social media handles. He has a million subscribers on YouTube, 480,000 followers on Twitter
The report highlights that 93% of Diwali shoppers are likely to try a new brand in the holiday season, 80% now discover new brands or products online
PepsiCo is following what has increasingly become the norm, using endorsers to kickstart a campaign that is taken forward by influencers on social media
Garners more than three times as many votes as his rival Hillary Clinton