The properties are spread across seven centres comprising Chennai, Coimbatore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad
In a Q&A, the bank's chief also dwells the strategies to trim down the lender's non-performing assets
Govt held around 92.52 per cent stake in IOB in the quarter that ended in June 2019.
Lender's NPA ratios improve, recoveries surpass slippages during the quarter
R Subramaniakumar, MD & CEO, IOB, said while addressing shareholders that the capital infusion would help the bank shore up its capital adequacy requirements and enable it to build a robust loan book
The public sector bank has a total exposure of Rs 82 billion under NCLT in 24 accounts
Indian Overseas Bank Officers'Association (IOBOA), the officers' trade union in IOB, has extended support to the managements decision of balance sheet management by setting off the accumulated loss with the share premium amount. The move is aimed at giving out a fair, true and clearer picture of bank's balance sheet, which will infuse confidence in the minds of investors, it said. "The move will also benefit the customer and it is shortening the time limit for dividend delcaratiion by the bank as we are able to see the light at the end of the Tunnel with regard to earning profit," said the organisation in a statement. It may be noted that the Bank's move to use the share premium account of Rs 76.50 billion to set off the accumulated losses to the tune of Rs 69.79 billion raised the eye-brows of many."This is a prudent and wisse move in cleansing the Balance Sheet and to have a true picture of the financial poisition of the Bank," said the Association. Consequently IOB will be in a ...
Gross NPA grew to 21.77% compared to 11% during same quarter of last financial year
R Subramania Kumar moved to IOB on September 29 to avert a crisis as it would have become a leaderless organisation
Both the banks were both in midst of systematic plans to reduce stress on books and improve recoveries when they were impacted by RBI's Asset Quality Review