The Global CCS Institute is an international think tank whose mission is to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), a vital technology to tackle climate change
What is IPCC's 'final warning' on global warming? Is India ready for an extreme summer? Will gold glitter in the near term? What are T-bills, and what does inversion of yield mean? Answers here
India's production-based estimates of CO2 emissions rose 63 per cent, from 1.6 billion tonnes in 2009 to 2.6 billion tonnes in 2019, reveals an analysis of numbers from tracker Our World in Data
India's climate mitigation needs fast-tracking
The Report notes that finance flows from developed to developing countries fall short of the levels needed to meet climate goals across all sectors and regions
India is the centre of global climate investment but it needs to distribute finances equally to adaptation along with mitigation efforts in the clean energy space
To safeguard against the inevitable climate hazards, the IPCC has laid emphasis on 'climate resilient development'
The world is very likely to miss the most important climate target of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels but drastic and urgent action in this decade can prevent it, a UN panel on climate change said in a report on Monday. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Synthesis Report is a summary of all the reports it produced since 2015 on the reasons and consequences of global temperature rise due to anthropogenic emissions. Releasing the report, the body of the world's leading climate scientists said keeping warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels requires deep, rapid and sustained greenhouse gas emissions reductions in all sectors. "The Synthesis Report underscores the urgency of taking more ambitious action and shows that, if we act now, we can still secure a liveable sustainable future for all," IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee said. Approved during a week-long session in Interlaken, Switzerland, the report .
India needs institutions to address concerns
According to the report, to achieve the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, the world must reduce annual carbon dioxide emission by 48 per cent by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) can help counterbalance "hard-to-abate" residual emissions to help reach net zero CO2 or net zero GHG emissions in the mid-term
According to the report, human emissions over this past decade have been the highest in history
Global emissions on track to blow past 1.5 degrees C warming limit envisioned in 2015 Paris Agreement and reach some 3.2 degrees C by century's end, says a major report by UN climate science agencycli
Deloitte Economics Institute estimates that an emissions pathway consistent with a three degrees Celsius temperature increase would lead to an annual loss of three per cent of GDP from now till 2050
A newly published report by a UN agency has warned that China will be among the countries hardest hit by global warming.According to a report published by UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), China needs to do more to adapt to mounting climate hazards.It will need to find solutions to water and food insecurity, poverty and inequality, and more extreme weather events, online magazine Sixth Tone reported.The report said that China could suffer the world's biggest economic losses as a result of rising sea levels and the resulting floods.A study in the report estimates that China's food security will also be threatened, as a warming climate is expected to affect yields of wheat, maize, rice, and fish.Luo Yong, professor of earth science at Tsinghua University and a lead author of the report's Asia chapter, said the report offers a clear look at the dangers humanity faces over the coming two decades as well as by the end of the century."Our main takeaway is that it is very .
IPCC's climate change report calls for mitigation and adaptation
The IPCC report 2022 released on Monday warned that if emissions are not cut rapidly, heat and humidity will create conditions beyond human tolerance. Its economic impact could also be as devastating
It also reconfirms for various stakeholders, including governments and the private sector, that 'the time to act is now'
This report is a dire warning about the consequences of inaction, said Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC while releasing the report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
From heat passing the limits of human survivability, food and water scarcity, higher sea levels to severe economic damage, India will be seriously harmed if emissions are not cut, IPCC report warned