The IT Ministry is learnt to have asked Meta-owned WhatsApp to share reasons behind Tuesday's service outage of the messaging platform. WhatsApp services snag on Tuesday had left users complaining about not being able to send or receive text and video messages, and services had resumed after nearly two hours. Sources said the IT Ministry has asked the company to share reasons on what caused the WhatsApp outage. An email sent to WhatsApp on the issue did not elicit a response. In a late night statement on Tuesday, WhatsApp said a "technical error" caused the outage. "The brief outage was a result of a technical error on our part and has now been resolved," a Meta company spokesperson had said. According to Downdetector, which tracks outage reports, the messaging app was not working for many users across multiple regions on Tuesday afternoon. At one point during the outage on Tuesday, over 29,000 reports were flagged by users on Downdetector. Downdetector's heatmap was showing What
The crazy salary hikes and bonuses with attrition hitting the roof is finally tempering down for the Indian IT services sector. Read more in our top headlines
The entire process, from the filing of an appeal to taking a decision, will be concluded online
According to Cert-In's guidelines, all enterprises, intermediaries, data centres and govt organisation are required to report any data breach to the government within six hours of becoming aware of it
TCS said moonlighting is an "ethical issue" and against its core values but has not taken any action against any staff
The three-day long "Digital India Conference of State IT Ministers" began on 1st October 2022 and concluded in the national capital, said the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Close to Rs 500 crore per year of investments for developing new technology will be available for the country, said Ashwini Vaishnaw
Authentication of individuals using Aadhaar grew by 44 per cent to about 220 crore in August, the IT ministry said on Thursday. As of end August 2022, a cumulative number of 8,074.95 crore Aadhaar authentications have been carried out so far, as against 7,855.24 crore such authentications by the end of July, indicating rise in use of Aadhaar based services. "Aadhaar usage and adoption by residents is witnessing sizable growth indicative of how it is increasingly supporting ease of living for residents. In August, 219.71 crore authentication transactions were carried out via Aadhaar, a growth of more than 44 per cent against July 2022," the statement said. Around 1,000 social welfare schemes in the country run by both Centre and states have been notified to use Aadhaar till date. Aadhaar custodian Unique Identification Authority of India is in discussion with state government to onboard more services on Aadhaar platform. A majority of these monthly transactions were done by using .
I&B Ministry had asked Zee Media to remove its ten regional news channels from the Ku-Band (a form of satellite frequency) on the GSAT-15 Satellite, that was making these accessible on DD Freedish
Twitter has challenged the blocking of only 39 URLs out of 1,474 accounts and 175 tweets
Chandrasekhar added that some of this will also be made available for companies coming from outside India
Telecom Sector in the country will witness more reforms in coming years and the industry too will have to do its bit by improving the quality of service, Ashwini Vaishnaw said
Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales in 2001 and is largely supported by the Wikimedia Foundation
The programme will give Rs 20 lakh each to the start-ups and it will include a challenge aimed at promoting XR
Last month, the government withdrew the Personal Data Protection Bill from the Lok Sabha and IT Minister had said the Centre was hopeful of getting a new legislation passed by the next Budget Session
Dixon Technologies getting money after international companies expressed concern about scheme due to delays in disbursement
Documents were to be open for public comments till September 21, civil society groups protest 'removal'
The government is working on a new version of data protection bill and proposed Digital India law to make the online world more accountable, IT and Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Monday. During the launch of the second batch of Cytrain Setu, Vaishnaw said the government will float a New Telecom Bill within a week. The minister said that a new version of the Data Protection Bill and proposed Digital India law is in the works. "What we are looking at is making the online world more accountable for what is published there. The people who are part of the law enforcement agencies and the policymakers, all of us, have a role. But, we also need to put a greater sense of accountability within the social media, internet, technology world itself," Vaishnaw said. The government has withdrawn the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019, to replace it with a new bill with a 'comprehensive framework' and 'contemporary digital privacy laws'. The bill, aimed at regulating how an ...
Information and Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Monday said that the ministry will soon come up with a new version of the Data Protection Bill.Vaishnaw added that the ministry will bring a complete overhaul of cyber laws and it will soon present a new Telecom Bill."I request the judicial community to come up with suggestions based on their experience in the day-to-day working of our judicial system. We're coming up with a complete overhaul of Cyber Laws & very soon, we'll also present a New Telecom Bill," tweeted the Ministry of Electronics & IT.He added, "We will also be coming up with a new version of the Data Protection Bill; a Digital India Act is also being worked on. We are making the online world more accountable for what is published there," MIET further tweeted.Data protection is among the most significant issues being debated in public space due to the growing role of technology in the lives of people and the government has decided to withdraw the ...
A new feature that enables them to delete content shared by a member could make them liable for objectionable posts