Jagran Prakashan Ltd, the publisher of Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Saturday reported a decline of 6.51 per cent in its consolidated net profit at Rs 41.03 crore in the first quarter ended June 2024. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 43.89 crore in the April-June quarter a year ago, according to a regulatory filing from Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL). Its revenue from operations was down 2.3 per cent to Rs 444.11 crore in the June quarter. It was at Rs 454.57 crore in the corresponding quarter a year ago. JPL's total expenses declined 2.28 per cent to Rs 409.82 crore in the June quarter of FY25. Its revenue from printing, publishing and digital was at Rs 303.54 crore, down 8 per cent year on year. Revenue from FM radio business was up 12.41 per cent to Rs 59.60 crore during the reporting quarter. Total income of JPL, which includes other income, was down 1.88 per cent year on year to Rs 467.23 crore.
Jagran Prakashan Ltd, the publisher of Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Tuesday reported a 74.1 per cent decline in its consolidated net profit to Rs 6.02 crore for the fourth quarter ended on March 31, 2024. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 23.27 crore in the January-March quarter a year ago, according to a regulatory filing from Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL). However, its revenue from operations was up 10.9 per cent to Rs 509.64 crore during the quarter under review. It was at Rs 459.38 crore in the corresponding quarter a year ago. JPL's total expenses stood at Rs 521.25 crore, up 7.05 per cent in the March quarter of FY 24. Its revenue from printing, publishing and digital was Rs 404.83 crore. Revenue from FM radio business was at Rs 62.63 crore in the March quarter. Total income of JPL, which includes other income, was up 4.15 per cent in the March quarter to Rs 533.54 crore. For the financial year, which ended on March 31, 2024, JPL's net profit was down 16.2 per cent t
Jagran Prakashan Ltd, the publisher of the Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Tuesday reported a 55.86 per cent decline in its consolidated net profit to Rs 23.27 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 2023. The company had posted a net profit of Rs 52.73 crore during the January-March quarter a year ago, Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL) said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from operations increased 8.19 per cent to Rs 459.38 crore during the quarter under review against Rs 424.58 crore in the year-ago period. This quarter also "includes impairment of goodwill and investment in associates of Rs 72.96 crore", the company said in its earning statement. JPL's total expenses surged 28.85 per cent to Rs 486.92 crore in Q4 FY23 compared to Rs 377.87 crore a year ago. Its total income in the March quarter was Rs 512.25 crore, up 16.13 per cent. For the fiscal ended March 2023, JPL's net profit was down 9.26 per cent at Rs 196.78 crore against Rs 216.87 crore in FY22. However, its consolidated reve
Stocks to Watch Today: Dabur India promoters, the Burman family, sold 1 per cent stake in the company through a block deal on Tuesday.
The company had posted a net loss of Rs 7.05 crore during the April-June period a year ago, Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL) said in a BSE filing.
Jagran Prakashan Ltd, the publisher of Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Tuesday reported 43.41 per cent increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 110.30 crore for the third quarter ended December 2021.
Jagran Prakashan Ltd, the publisher of Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Friday reported narrowing of its consolidated net loss to Rs 7.05 crore for the first quarter ended on June 30, 2021
Jagran Prakashan, the publisher of leading Hindi daily Dainik Jagran, on Tuesday said its board has approved buying back shares worth up to Rs 118 crore. "The board of directors of the company... approved the buyback of the company's fully paid-up equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 118 crore... and at a price not exceeding Rs 60 per equity share payable in cash, from its shareholders/ beneficial owners (other than those who are promoters, members of the promoter group or persons in control), from the open market through stock exchange mechanism," it said in a regulatory filing. As per the company, the indicative number of shares proposed to be bought back would be 1,96,66,666, representing 6.99 per cent stake. Jagran Prakashan said the public announcement setting out the process, timelines and other statutory details of the buyback will be released in due course. Shares of the company declined nearly 7 per cent to close at Rs 57 on the
The stock is up for the second day in a row and has gained nearly 24 per cent in two days
The company had posted a profit after tax of Rs 65.75 crore during the April-June period a year ago, Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL) said in a BSE filing.
Jagran Prakashan hit a multi-year low of Rs 46.30 in the intra-day trade on November 19. In the past six months, it has underperformed the market by falling 48%, as compared to a 3% rise in the Sensex
As economy falters, first quarter ad revenues across media firms decline
The stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 145, down 9% on the BSE in intra-day trade.
The stock opened 5% higher at Rs 164 on the BSE after the company said its board scheduled to meet on Friday, 27th April, 2018 to consider the proposal for buy-back of shares.