Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Tuesday indicated that he will allocate portfolios to seven newly inducted Ministers into his cabinet on January 21. Speculations are rife that the Chief Minister may reallocate portfolios to certain other Ministers in the cabinet whose strength is now 33. "I will announce (portfolios) on Thursday. I will hold a consultation with everyone tomorrow and announce on Thursday," Yediyurappa told reporters in response to a question. Ending a long wait, Yediyurappa had expanded his 17- month old cabinet on January 13, by inducting seven ministers as he also dropped Excise Minister H Nagesh from the ministry. The new Ministers who were sworn-in were: MLAs Umesh Katti (Hukkeri), S Angara (Sullia), Murugesh Nirani (Bilgi) and Arvind Limbavali (Mahadevapura), and MLCs R Shankar, M T B Nagaraj and C P Yogeshwar. The cabinet expansion had led to resentment, with several MLAs expressing serious reservations about MLCs not elected by the
The anti-cow slaughter law will come into effect in Karnataka from January 18, the state government said in a notification on Saturday
Says priority is to restart plant within 2-3 weeks, make sure all workers get back to work. Confirms all staff dues have been cleared by company
The announcement comes two days after Yediyurappa finalised the expansion at a meeting with top BJP leaders, including party chief J P Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi
The state announced the decision to allow all shops and commercial set-ups to run round the clock so that they recover revenue lost on account of Covid-19
The much-awaited cabinet expansion in Karnataka will take place on January 13, said Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Sunday
Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa said the BJP central leadership will take a call on the much awaited cabinet expansion
The Karnataka cabinet decided to promulgate an ordinance to give effect to the contentious anti-cow slaughter bill that is yet to be approved by the legislative council
Night curfew has been imposed in the state between 11 pm and 5 am, effective from today till January 2
Assures that all workers will be fully compensated immediately
Earlier in the day, police detained a leader of Students' Federation of India, which is affiliated to CPI (M), in connection with the rampage at unit on Saturday
Hundreds of workers stormed the factory in Kolar over the weekend, damaging property and looting thousands of iPhones and laptops
State govt condemns violence in factory premises, 160 held so far; AITUc alleges false anti-worker narrative, says workers hounded and harassed by police
Plans to hire up to 25,000 employees by the end of 2021 look doubtful now for the Taiwanese company, say sources
Karnataka bandh live updates: Several pro-Kannada outfits have called for a bandh in the state today against the formation of the Maratha Development Authority.
The Social Welfare Department has been asked to provide the required assistance to the cabinet sub-committee
A decision on expansion of the Karnataka cabinet will be taken in the next two-three days, Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa said after meeting BJP national president J P Nadda here on Wednesday.
Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa is planning a visit to Delhi this week to get the party high command's nod for the cabinet expansion and reshuffle, sources close to him said
The green firecrackers were introduced to check pollution during Deepavali
The compensation for rains and floods in August and September is estimated to be Rs 1,306 crore