A special NIA court here sentenced 28 convicts to life imprisonment on Friday in connection with the Kasganj violence case. Special judge Vivekanand Sharan Tripathi also imposed a fine of Rs 80,000 on each convict. On Thursday, the special NIA court here on Thursday convicted 28 people in connection with the murder of Chandan Gupta, who was shot dead in a communal clash that broke out during a 2018 Tiranga Yatra in Kasganj. The accused were convicted on charges of murder, attempted murder, rioting and insulting the national flag. The case drew significant attention after Chandan Gupta's death sparked riots in the region. The court on Friday sentenced the convicts to life imprisonment. Earlier, on the quantum of sentence, the court heard the pleas of the defence as well as the prosecution, which had demanded the severest punishment for all the convicts. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) court acquitted Nasiruddin and Asim Qureshi, citing a lack of sufficient evidence to conv
A special NIA court here has convicted 28 persons in connection with the murder of Chandan Gupta, who was shot dead in a communal clash that broke out during a 2018 Tiranga Yatra in Kasganj. Special judge Vivekanand Sharan Tripathi said that the sentence will be announced on Friday. The accused were convicted on charges of murder, attempted murder, rioting and insulting the national flag on Thursday. The case has drawn significant attention after Chandan Gupta's death sparked riots in the region. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) court also acquitted Nasiruddin and Asim Qureshi, citing a lack of sufficient evidence to convict them. On the morning of January 26, 2018, Chandan Gupta and his brother Vivek Gupta took part in a Tiranga Yatra. When the procession reached near the Government Girls Inter College gate on Tehsil Road, a group, including Salim, Wasim and Naseem, allegedly blocked the road and stopped the procession, a government counsel said. When Chandan objected, th
One person was killed in a mob attack on a motorcycle rally taken out to celebrate Republic Day in Kasganj
The clash broke out after a group objected to certain slogans raised by bike-borne participants of the rally
Overall 150 arrests have been made in connectiuon with the violence
A young man rumoured to have been killed in the communal clashes surfaced on Tuesday and trashed reports of his death
'Even though I am the only Muslim among a Hindu majority, we never had any problems,' the shopkeeper said
I G Sanjeev Gupta on Monday said Rahul Upadhyay, whose death aggravated the rampant violence across Kasganj district, is alive