The incident took place when Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan ushered Khan to the assembly hall for presenting the policy address
While the ruling Congress and main opposition Aam Aadmi Party supported the resolution, the BJP opposed it and Akali Dal sought the inclusion of Muslims in the act
Pointing out that the southern state had not been affected by partition, the Governor said there are no illegal immigrants in Kerala.
Prasad said the CAA did not relate to Indian citizens and that it neither creates nor takes away citizenship
The provision to determine citizenship based on religion is against the basic structure of the Constitution of India, which puts forward a secular vision, the resolution states
Congress-led UDF Opposition has made it clear that the 'nepotism' row would not end with Jayarajan's resignation
These members has began an indefinite fast in the legislature complex
The upcoming session is set to begin on September 26 and will see 29 sittings, with the last day being November 10
Sasi polled 90 votes while opposition UDF candidate I C Balakrishnan garnered 45 votes in the voting held in the assembly
As a sign of protest against the denial of permission for a debate on arrest of two Dalit sisters
Achuthanandan's remarks come a day after the party unanimously nominated Pinarayi Vijayan over him for the chief minister's post
Yechury said Achuthanandan will play the role of an advisor like that of Fidel Catro in Cuba
A total of 109 women candidates had tried their luck in the May 16 polls
Even in Kerala, where the Left Democratic Front (LDF) is heading for a majority, what is shocking is the erosion in vote share of the CPI (M)
Exits polls have predicted an edge for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Assam, while an outright win for incumbent Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal
Chief Minister Oommen Chandy and BJP state president K Rajasekaran are also active, often tweeting in Malayalam