Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has announced an assistance of Rs 15 crore each to Kerala and Tripura, where heavy rains and landslides have wreaked havoc, a government official here said on Friday. In a post on X, the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) stated that the chief minister has decided to provide Rs 15 crore assistance each from the Disaster Relief Fund to Tripura and Kerala. "In the last few days, we have received sad news about the loss of lives and property on a large scale due to natural calamities in Tripura and Kerala. My sympathies are with the disaster-affected people. The Chhattisgarh government is ready to help both states in this adverse situation," Sai said in the post.
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday announced a compensation of Rs six lakh for the next of kin of those who died in the massive landslides that hit Wayanad district on July 30 and claimed over 200 lives. Vijayan said that of the Rs six lakh, Rs four lakh would come from the State Disaster Response Fund and the remaining from the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF). He also announced that Rs 75,000 would be allocated from the CMDRF to those who lost eyes and limbs or suffered disability up to 60 per cent due to the landslides. The CM also said that Rs 50,000 financial assistance would be given to those who suffered disability between 40 to 60 per cent or suffered very serious injuries in the disaster. Besides that, the survivors opting for rented accommodation or living with their relatives will get Rs 6,000 per month towards rent as part of the government's rehabilitation programme, he said. This amount, however, will not be available to those who get ..
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Reacting to Union Home Minister Amit Shah's statement that the Kerala government could have minimised the losses in Wayanad, the Kerala Health Minister called it "unfortunate"
The sluice gates of Idamalayar and Pampa reservoirs were opened early on Tuesday
The death toll in incidents related to heavy rains in Kerala rose to 22 on Sunday while Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered assistance to the state
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday spoke with Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and discussed the situation in the wake of heavy rains and landslides in the state. The toll from disastrous flooding caused by heavy rains and landslides in hilly areas of two central Kerala districts rose to 18 as rescue workers recovered more bodies from the rubbles on Sunday. "Spoke to Kerala CM Shri @vijayanpinarayi and discussed the situation in the wake of heavy rains and landslides in Kerala. Authorities are working on the ground to assist the injured and affected," Modi tweeted. "I pray for everyone's safety and well-being," he said. "It is saddening that some people have lost their lives due to heavy rains and landslides in Kerala. Condolences to the bereaved families," Modi said in another tweet. State Revenue Minister K Rajan said the rescue workers have recovered 15 bodies from the debris and slush of the landslides that had hit various places of Idukki and Kottayam districts on .
Met authorities forecast heavy to very heavy downfalls at isolated places in Kerala
Party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will continue to focus on Uttar Pradesh
n many camps, people observed a low key Eid festival with well wishers bringing in food and new clothes for the inmates
Union Home Minister Amit Shah undertook an aerial survey of the flood-affected areas of Karnataka and Maharashtra
The Kochi International airport had on Friday suspended all operations till 3 pm on Sunday as the runway area in the airport was waterlogged due to floods
In 988 relief camps across the state, 107,699 persons have been shifted. In the worst affected Wayanad, 24,990 persons are in such camps
There will be no cess on goods drawing 2.5 per cent SGST
Businesses may not only have to surrender the availed of credit but also pay penalty interest on the amount
The initial estimates of general insurance claims from Kerala floods, reportedly at Rs 10 billion, is lower compared to the total claims during the Chennai floods in 2015. Initial figures show that the penetration of insurance in households and shops are lower in Kerala, said senior industry official.Speaking on the sidelines of Insurance Advisors Meet at Chennai K B Vijay Srinivas, Chairman-cum-Managing Director (Joint Charge), United India Insurance Company Ltd (UIICL) said that initial estimates shows that penetration of insurance is lower in Kerala. His company alone has got insurance claims to the tune of Rs 3.5 billion so far from 5,000 claims.Kerala Government has estimated around Rs 195 billion is the ecomomic loss, due to rain, flood and landslide, while the initial estimates of insurance claims from Kerala Floods, which started on August 8, was at around Rs 10 billion."It is not even 10 per cent. It is our responsibility to see that more people get ensured," said Srinivas. ..
The quaint towns and villages scattered between the lush forests and paddy fields bordering the backwaters are now communities in despair
Even the most sophisticated climate models struggle to simulate physical processes such as convection and evaporation that drive rainfall activity
Reports said that the UAE administration has denied any official announcement over any specific amount as aid
Tourism and the agro-based industries, are expected to suffer severe losses given the damage to infrastructure assets and the local crop