Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said Khadi Gramodyog's business has crossed Rs 1.5 lakh crore for the first time and asserted that the rising sale of Khadi and handloom were creating new job opportunities in large numbers. In his monthly Mann Ki Baat radio broadcast, Modi said many people who would not be using Khadi products earlier now wear them with great pride. "The Khadi Gramodyog's business has crossed Rs 1.5 lakh crore for the first time. Do you know how much sale of Khadi have gone up? Four hundred per cent. The rising sales of Khadi and handloom are creating new job opportunities in large numbers," he said. Mostly women are associated with this industry, so they are benefitting the most, Modi added. "You must be having different types of clothes and till now if you have not bought Khadi clothes then start buying them," the prime minister said. With the start of the Paris Olympics, the prime minister said the games give athletes a chance to hoist the national flag a
For the first time, products worth Rs 1.5 crore were sold at the Khadi Bhawan at Connaught Place here on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, KVIC said on Wednesday. "On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti (October 2), the flagship Khadi Bhawan at Connaught Place in the heart of New Delhi witnessed the highest ever sale of Khadi and Village Industries products worth Rs 1,52,45,000," Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) said. According to KVIC Chairman Manoj Kumar, the prime minister in his "Mann Ki Baat" programme on September 24, had appealed to people to buy a khadi product on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. This appeal created a huge impact on the public, he said. According to the latest sales data, products worth Rs 1,33,95,000 was sold at Khadi Bhawan in Connaught Place on Gandhi Jayanti last year.
Under the new UP Textile and Garment Policy 2022, the state has announced a host of incentives and subsidies for aggressive offline and online marketing and promotion of Khadi in India and abroad
Of total domestic orders for 800,000 masks, 600,000 have been supplied to Rashtrapati Bhawan, PMO and ministries
Pachauri said that a subsidy of 15%, instead of 10%, would be given on Khadi products