Experts say a fall in paddy output could hugely impact cereal prices going forward as wheat stocks in central pool aren't enough to quell any surge in prices
With the pick-up in rains, the seasonal cumulative deficit will also go down over the next few weeks
The government also said that it will soon announce the subsidy rate for non-urea soil nutrients for the current fiscal
The total area covered under all crops was more than their normal area, which is the average of the last five years
Erratic rains have impacted sowing of kharif crops and unless the monsoon revives quickly, it could have an impact on the final yields, particularly of the crops that were sown late
Area sown to summer crops like paddy was lagging behind by 1.55 per cent so far in the ongoing kharif season of the crop year 2021-22 (July-June), according to data released by agriculture ministry
According to the latest crop sowing report, kharif crops have been sown in around 84.81 mn hectares till July 30, which is 4.7% lower than the same period last year
Area under rice (-8.9%), soybean (-11.05%), bajra (-37.83%) and cotton (-17.51%) sees maximum shortfall
Among cash crops, cotton planting has risen by 11.29 per cent to 121.25 lakh hectares so far in the current kharif season
Area under oilseeds increased 525% over last year and the sowing of pulses rose by about 222%. The planting and sowing of paddy, the main crop of the kharif season, has been 35% higher than last year
The final of a two-part series looks at how farmers are hoping a good monsoon will help make up for lockdown disruptions and losses
The first of a two-part series looks at the problems cultivators are facing during the pandemic
That would depend on income generation through efficient, fair and transparent marketing of the farm produce, which the government needs to ensure
This is largely because the surge in recent weeks is due to the rains in Maharashtra, which could impact kharif harvest if they continue unabated
The total food grains sown area as on August 10 stood at 3.17 million hectares as compared to 3.63 million hectares at this time last year
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian farmers have planted 41.3 million hectares with summer crops, down 8.6% year on year, the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare said on Friday, though the gap in sowing narrowed from the previous week as monsoon rains picked up.
Sowing of kharif crops begins with the onset of southwest monsoon from July and harvesting from October
Sowing of paddy, the key Kharif crop, has plunged by 32 per cent to 0.78 million hectares compared to 1.16 million hectares covered as on July 7 last year
The acute water shortage in Gujarat has taken a toll on kharif sowing this year. Water scarcity has meant that kharif sowing in Gujarat across all crops put together is down by a whopping 75 per cent for till June 19 from the start of the sowing season. As against an overall kharif sowing in an area of 871,700 hectares till June 19 last year, this year the same period has seen overall sowing in 225,231 hectares, which is only 25 per cent of last year's record.Experts and state government officials have advised farmers to defer sowing as much as possible in the hope of timely monsoon rains at a time when Gujarat is facing acute water shortage."Usually, monsoon arrives in Gujarat by June 10 to June 15. However, there is still no indication of monsoon arrival yet. Apart from delayed monsoon, a depleted pre-monsoon water table has also led to such a decline in kharif sowing. However, this may not affect crop prices as the monsoon arrival is expected anytime soon and should ease the ...
Farmers may have shifted to cotton farming, offering a better price