India's oldest port has been leasing its vast land bank for decades. With the Budget announcing plans to monetise public assets, it intends to expand its portfolio and extend to non-land assets, too
The programme will be held in a low-key manner in view of the COVID-19 pandemic
The port authorities are undertaking an ambitious project to develop an integrated e-marketplace to facilitate coastal shipping
The ship was arrested under the jurisdiction of the admiralty bench of the Calcutta High Court on the day of its sailing from the HDC in 2017 for not paying dues
Port has been holding video conferences with unions, discussing steps taken to contain Covid-19
Industry officials say the crunch has not only affected manufacturing of edibles but even of items like nozzle pumps and other goods used in packaging
The oldest surviving major port in the country, which completed 150 years in November last year, will showcase its rich history
Modi, while speaking at the 150th anniversary programme of KoPT on January 12, had announced that it will be renamed after the Bharatiya Jan Sangh founder
There was neither any confirmation nor denial on whether Banerjee would attend the programme, said a senior Trinamool Congress leader
In the 2018-19 financial year, KoPT handled 63 million tonne of cargo and 830,000 containers, he said
After signing a profit sharing agreement with Cochin Shipyard Ltd (CSL) - India's largest shipbuilding and maintenance company - Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) is set to revive its ship repairing facilities in two out of five idling dry docks which it abandoned in 2015.Under the terms of the agreement, KoPT will be providing the necessary waterfront, dry dock, land and will be repairing part of associated infrastructure while CSL will repair and operationalize the idling machines needed for repairing ships and may also install renovated machinery pieces if needed. The profit from this venture will be shared in a 40:60 ratio between KoPT and CSL. According to KoPT chairman, Vinit Kumar, the project is expected to be completed in the next 3-4 years and upon completion, KoPT will be able to repair 16-18 ships every year which has the potential to generate revenues of Rs. 500 million a year.At the time of the previous winding up of ship repairing operations in 2015, KoPT used to repair 10-12 ..
In the coming six months, Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) will be putting up atleast 1,600 acres of unused land, mainly in Kolkata and Haldia, under the bidding process for a 30-year old lease. It will ensure that the port authorities use up nearly the entire free landholding to generate more revenue. Currently, KoPT has more than 10,000 acres of land across West Bengal and uses over 43 per cent for its own operations while another 3,400 acres has been put under lease. "In the next six months, we will be putting 80-90 plots each having an acreage of 17-20 acres under the hammer for a 30-year lease", the port's chairman Vinit Kumar told Business Standard adding that it effectively uses up the entire landholding of KoPT.KoPT will be offering two models of payment for the lease. In the first place, a pre-contracted annual payment, which is subject to revision every 5-6 years will be offered. Under this model, the annual rent may shoot up by 2-5 per cent when the revision takes place. A second .
The Kolkata Dock Complex and the Haldia Dock System together handled about 32 million tonne traffic till Oct 31
Faces threat from two new ports; will cut a channel across Nayachar to feed water to Haldia port
Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), which operates the riverine ports at Kolkata and Haldia in West Bengal is working on improving transparency in its processes and instil better labour disciple to maintain its cargo handling volume as it feels threatened from the upcoming ports in Tajpur in West Bengal and Subrnarekha in Odisha.The port's chairman, M. T. Krishna Babu said that the upcoming Tajpur port, with a depth more than 12 metres and the deep draft Subranarekha port, both armed with modern cargo handling systems, will be able to pull in ships with higher tonnage which will mean loss of cargo handling for the KoPT operated ports."These can prove to be a bigger threat to the Kolkata and Haldia ports than the Paradip port", he said.As per Babu, in case the Tajpur port comes up, the 147-year old Kolkata port might stand a chance to lose part of its non-captive cargo. However, no estimates could be given for the Subrnarekha port.Out of the 7,71,676 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit used to ...
Of the proposed investment, Rs 370 crore will come from internal accruals while the port will opt for PPP for the remaining Rs 886 crore.