The Delhi High Court has ordered suspension of the operations of a website "preying on the public's religious beliefs" and deceiving them by allegedly promoting itself as the official platform for delivery of 'prasad' from the Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Justice Sanjeev Narula, while dealing with a lawsuit against the website by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), observed that the defendant platform was functioning under the name of "Khadi Organic" which was deceptively similar to the plaintiff, a statutory body established for the promotion and development of textiles and the proprietor of Khadi" trademarks, and directed taking down of all deceptive social media posts. "It appears that Defendants No. 1 and 2 (the individual and company behind the platform) are attempting to monopolise the consecration event by preying on the public's religious beliefs and devotion and deceiving them into transferring money to Defendants No. 1 and 2, using
For the first time, products worth Rs 1.5 crore were sold at the Khadi Bhawan at Connaught Place here on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, KVIC said on Wednesday. "On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti (October 2), the flagship Khadi Bhawan at Connaught Place in the heart of New Delhi witnessed the highest ever sale of Khadi and Village Industries products worth Rs 1,52,45,000," Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) said. According to KVIC Chairman Manoj Kumar, the prime minister in his "Mann Ki Baat" programme on September 24, had appealed to people to buy a khadi product on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. This appeal created a huge impact on the public, he said. According to the latest sales data, products worth Rs 1,33,95,000 was sold at Khadi Bhawan in Connaught Place on Gandhi Jayanti last year.
The state government would set up the units, for which technology transfer agreements have been signed with KVIC
His CV as KVIC chairman on the website describes him as having a 'suave and refined persona' and being a 'multifaceted personality'
Last fiscal year, the overall turnover of KVIC stood at Rs 1,15,415.22 crore as compared to Rs 95,741.74 crore in 2020-21. KVIC has thus registered a growth of 20.54 per cent from 2020-21
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) will sell 'Made-in-Varanasi' Pashmina products through its showrooms, outlets and online portal, an official statement said on Friday. "This is for the first time that Pashmina products are being produced outside the region of Leh-Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir," the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises stated. The premium Pashmina products prepared by the highly skilled Khadi weavers of Varanasi were launched by KVIC Chairman Vinai Kumar Saxena in Varanasi. "KVIC will be selling the 'Made-in-Varanasi' Pashmina products through its showrooms, outlets and through its online portal," the statement said. Pashmina is famed as an essential Kashmiri art form but rediscovery of Pashmina in Varanasi, the spiritual and cultural capital of India, is unique in many ways, the ministry said. "The production of Pashmina prepared in Varanasi liberates this heritage art from the regional confines and creates a fusion of diverse artistry ..
With garments crafted out of khadi silk, cotton & wool, French designer Mossi Traore is making it global
Sethi's appointment is for a period of one year
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission said it had forced e-commerce portals Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal and others to remove over 160 web links selling products under the brand name of 'Khadi'
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) said it has received the first order from Indo-Tibetan Border Police for supplying 1,200 quintals of kacchi ghani mustard oil worth Rs 1.73 crore
The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) on Friday inked a deal with the KVIC to procure a variety of 'swadeshi' and 'khadi' goods for around 10 lakh personnel of the Central Armed Police Forces.
The execution of this order will require over 20,000 meters of fabric which will generate 9,000 additional man-days
The minister announced that the government will revamp the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) within three months and make it more export-oriented.
From govt moving closer to a complete exit from Air India to the grumble of economic slowdown getting louder for corporate India, here are the top business headlines for Friday
KVIC Recruitment online test 2019 is tentatively scheduled to be held in the month of August 2019
In 2018-19, the KVIC, the nodal agency of PMEGP, had been given a target of setting up 70,386 new PMEGP projects
According to KVIC's vision document presented to the MSME ministry, over 1.13 million jobs will be created under PMEGP between November 2018 and March 2020
Seeks to maintain 34% sales growth in 2018-19
The suit claims that Fabindia sells factory-made cotton garments under the guise of "khadi"
in 2008-09, the utilisation of total subsidy allotted by MSME for implementation of PMEGP was less than 50 per cent, it reached 100.37 per cent in 2016-17.