Fair trade regulator Competition Commission of India (CCI) on Tuesday cleared Adani Power's proposed acquisition of Lanco Amarkantak Power. Adani Power proposes to acquire 100 per cent share capital and control of the Lanco Amarkantak Power, pursuant to the corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) initiated under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC), according to a release. Insolvent Lanco Amarkantak Power is engaged in the business of thermal power generation. On March 5, Adani Power announced it received the creditors' approval for the resolution plan to acquire insolvent Lanco Amarkantak Power. "The proposed transaction does not result in an appreciable adverse effect on competition in any plausible relevant market in India," CCI said. Adani Power is engaged in the business of thermal power generation in India. In another release, CCI said it has cleared the proposals of purchasing stakes in PharmEasy by various entities, including Ranjan Pai's MEMG Family Offi
The thermal power producer is planning to aggressively expand its capacity, and this is the company's second acquisition under the insolvency resolution process in the financial year
An unsolicited bid of Rs 3,650 crore was submitted by Adani Power, which was later improved to Rs 4,100 crore
Fair trade regulator CCI on Tuesday granted approval for the acquisition of Lanco Amarkantak Power by PFC Projects, REC, SJVN and Damodar Valley Corporation. PFC Projects, which is into electricity generation and distribution, and REC, which is a non-banking financial company, are subsidiaries of Power Finance Corporation (PFC). SJVN is mainly into hydroelectric power generation while DVC is a statutory corporation. The latter is engaged in the businesses of power generation, transmission, and water management. The proposed combination relates to acquisition of 100 per cent shareholding of Lanco Amarkantak Power by PFC Projects, REC, SJVN and Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), according to an official release. Lanco Amarkantak Power Ltd is into power generation. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) said it has approved the proposed deal. Deals beyond a certain threshold require approval from the regulator, which keeps a tab on unfair business practices and promotes fair ...
The state companies - Power Finance Corp Ltd (PFC), REC Ltd SJVN Ltd and Damodar Valley Corp (DVC) - aim to acquire the coal-fired power plant of Lanco Amarkantak in Chhattisgarh in central India
The direct clash between the two major industrialist groups is set to happen during an auction on November 25
If the deal goes through, it will be the third big-ticket acquisition by the Ambani firm under IBC
Company makes a foray into coal-based power generation for the first time
The top 10 exposure up for sale include Lanco Amarkantak (Rs 1,077 crore), Reliance Communications (Rs 721 crore), Ballarpur Industries (Rs 493 crore), Jyoti Structures (Rs 396 crore), and Unitech
LAPL is a coal-fired power subsidiary of debt-laden infra firm Lanco Infratech, which itself is currently undergoing insolvency resolution process