Calling it a "ruthless order", the Supreme Court on Tuesday set aside an NGT verdict directing the removal of a centre for leprosy patients running since 1960 in Pune. A bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan set aside the NGT order directing authorities to remove it for allegedly encroaching the forest land. "There is something called humanity; something called compassion and empathy. They (leprosy patients) are part of the society. We are giving lectures in five-star hotels on inclusivity and other things, and here a ruthless order is passed, without even hearing the society. All kinds of things are happening in the name of forests and environment in this country," the bench said. The top court said the green tribunal should have at least heard the society, running for decades, before passing such "sweeping directions" for removal of alleged encroachments from forest land. The top court said that the western zone bench of the NGT regardless of the categorical stand taken b
NCVBDC numbers reveal a downward trend in these diseases over the past few years, indicating successful control efforts
World Leprosy Eradication Day is marked every year on 30 January, corresponding with Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary. The goal is to make people aware of the disease
Dr Lobo shared his thoughts on leprosy at the launch even of his book titled 'Dr S K Noordeen: Architect of the Global Leprosy Elimination Program'
Dr Lobo shared his thoughts on leprosy at the launch event of his book titled 'Dr S K Noordeen: Architect of the Global Leprosy Elimination Program'
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday urged countries, especially those in the South-East Asia Region, to urgently address gaps in leprosy services disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global health organisation asked these countries to accelerate efforts towards achieving the goal of zero leprosy disease, stigma and discrimination -- the vision of the WHO Global Leprosy Strategy 2021-2030. Leprosy is 100 per cent curable when detected early, yet today in addition to COVID-19-related challenges, stigma and discrimination, both institutionalised and informal, continue to impede prompt diagnosis and treatment and facilitate onward spread, said Poonam Khetrapal Singh, regional director of WHO South-East Asia. "This has to change, she said on the eve of World Leprosy day. In 2021, 1,40,000 new leprosy cases were reported, with 95 per cent of new cases coming from the 23 global priority countries. Of these, 6 per cent were diagnosed with visible deformities or grade-2 ...
He said that there should be social mobilization in support of this noble cause. He also wanted Gram Sabha to include leprosy eradication in their programmes
Despite India being declared "leprosy-free" in 2005, the country still accounts for over half (almost 60 per cent) of the world's new leprosy patients
Sheetal Amte-Karajgi was a social worker renowned for her contributions in rehabilitating leprosy patients.
Himachal Pradesh government is set to conduct a large-scale survey between Nov 25 and Dec 27 in a bid to identify the patients of Covid-19, tuberculosis, leprosy, sugar and high blood pressure
Of the new cases detected, nearly half (67,160) have been diagnosed at an advanced stage
Leprosy is a slow progressive disease that damages the skin and the nervous system
Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are leprosy endemic states, the counsel said
Campaign will cover 1,656 blocks of 149 endemic districts across 20 states