The literacy rate in rural India recorded a jump of more than 10 percentage points in the past decade, the Lok Sabha was informed on Monday. It was also told that the literacy rate among women rose 14.50 percentage points during this period. The information was shared by Union Minister of State for Education Jayant Chaudhary in response to a written question about government efforts, challenges and strategies in achieving 100 per cent rural literacy. According to the statistics shared by Chaudhary, rural India's literacy rate rose from 67.77 per cent in 2011 to 77.50 per cent in 2023-24 among individuals aged seven and above. Female literacy rose from 57.93 per cent to 70.40 per cent during this period. Male literacy improved from 77.15 per cent to 84.7 per cent. "In order to improve the literacy rate, including rural literacy among adults, the government of India has launched several centrally-sponsored schemes and programmes, such as the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Saakshar Bharat
The ASER 2023 survey also highlighted that only 28.1 per cent female youth are likely to pursue science, technology, and mathematics courses as against 36.3 per cent of male counterparts
The Delhi University has directed its colleges to install CCTV cameras outside women's toilets and changing rooms during fests in the aftermath of an incident in which some women were secretly filmed while changing in IIT-Delhi, officials said on Friday. In a recent advisory, the administration also asked its colleges and departments to ensure that CCTV camera arrangements were made at all gates of the institutes and hostels to avoid any mishap. "After recommendations by the Delhi Police, we have made relevant additions to fest guidelines in view of the recent incident at IIT-Delhi. We have asked colleges to make CCTV arrangements in front of ladies' washrooms and dressing rooms during fests for the safety of students," DU proctor Rajni Abbi told PTI. Last October, about 10 students of Delhi University's Bharti College complained that they were secretly filmed while changing in an IIT-Delhi washroom during a fashion show at the institute's fest. Police arrested a 20-year-old ...
KISS became the fifth recipient from India and the only one in Odisha till date to receive the recognition
After a gap of 10 years, Kerala is getting ready to receive the central funds for literacy programmes as the state is now part of the union government's literacy drive "Padhna Likhna Abhiyan"
Kerala has once again emerged as the most literate state in the country, while Andhra Pradesh featured at the bottom with a rate of 66.4 per cent
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