Reign of Terror makes clear that what happened on September 11, 2001
Saleem, nearly thirty-one-years old, puts on display the many personal artefacts and feelings and notions and nicknames and omens that are his inheritance
Each of the five women profiled in the book have a dedicated chapter
In the past few years, the US, more than other G7 countries, has called out the bristling hubris of a totalitarian China
Some of the legendary money managers featured in the book are Mohnish Pabrai, Howard Marks, John Templeton, Joel Greenblatt, Nick Sleep, Charlie Munger, and a few others
A number of economists had looked closely at Friedman's arguments about the Great Depression, and found them wanting
This book is largely a celebration of the material and cultural legacy of Parsis
All in all, By My Own Rules is an engaging read about a remarkable life
The most useful parts of the book are in understanding the pitfalls when dealing with a mass of information and data
Contemporary communication relies more than ever on how we say something rather than on what we say
Two new books, written with Musk's cooperation, now deepen our appreciation of his achievements
This book is not only insightful, but also a tribute to The India Forum - the online journal that has published a range of pieces in the span of one year
The author emphasises the need to work actively on enhancing one's visibility
Mr Matthews engages in a speculative "what-if" game
Book review of LANGUAGES OF TRUTH: Essays 2003-2020
In our post-truth world, where the difference between fact and fiction collapses too easily, poetry is the last residue of truth, capable of excavating histories or creating new ones.
On from February 19 to 28, it is expected to bring the most talked about books, literary themes and authors of 2020 directly to audiences across the world in the comfort of their living rooms
The 14th edition of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF) will be held virtually from February 19 to 28
Her towering presence and extenuating scholarship that will be difficult to match in times to come, writes Kishore Singh
Giovanni Boccaccio's "The Decameron" - sales of which have reportedly risen during the coronavirus - faith and religion are mocked and satirized