Amid concerns over banks citing 'client confidentiality' to resist sharing of information on delayed loan repayments and possible defaults by their borrowers, capital market regulator Sebi on Wednesday announced new norms to make it mandatory for companies to provide these details to credit rating agencies. Amid numerous cases of huge loan defaults by corporates, including in cases like Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd (IL&FS), credit rating agencies have also come under the scanner for failing to flag potential credit risks of the securities and entities rated by them. However, the rating agencies have often sought to shift the blame to companies and lenders by claiming that they find it difficult to get information about delay in meeting bank obligations and payment failures which are considered early indicators of a default. Officials said there have been occasions when some entities have sought to take the benefit of certain regulatory gaps as banks are ...
A fashion show is an entertainment and therefore, the sponsors are liable to pay entertainment tax, the Karnataka high court ruled last week
You're at risk of making the same financial mistake as your parents