Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that at a time when many countries are at war, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is binding the world in the thread of peace, harmony and unity through the message of Lord Buddha. Welcoming a delegation led by Governor of Japan's Yamanashi Province Kotaro Nagasaki at his official residence here, Adityanath described UP as a state of "Unlimited Potential". An MoU was signed between the Uttar Pradesh government and Yamanashi Prefecture (Japan) for industrial cooperation, tourism and vocational education in the presence. "The roots of strategic, cultural and global cooperation have been connected between the two countries for more than a millennium. Today, when many countries of the world are at war, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is binding the world in the thread of peace, harmony and unity through the message of Lord Buddha," Adityanath said. "The strong relations between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Prime Ministe
After adopting the ascetic life, such people relinquish all material possessions, even cut ties with family
Summit is also a manifestation of India's Act East Policy, which is principled on collective, inclusive and spiritual development of Asia with Dhamma as the guiding light
PM Modi addressed the nation on the occasion of the celebration of International Abhidhamma Divas and recognition of Pali as a classical language at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi
PM Modi further said that all the places related to Lord Buddha in India and Nepal are being developed as a Buddhist circuit, including the International Airport at Kushinagar
Buddha Purnima 2024: This day is celebrated every year on the first full moon of the Hindu month Vaishakha. This year it will be celebrated on May 23
On the occasion of birth anniversary (Jayanti) of Gautam Buddha, called Buddha Pournima, KCR, as the Chief Minister is popularly known, extended his greetings to the people
Buddha Purnima 2023 is seen by a great many Buddhists all over the world and is a period for reflection, meditation, and spiritual renewal
Rijiju will be in Mongolia for an 11-day exposition of the relics as part of celebrations of the Mongolian Buddh Purnima falling on June 14
The Buddha taught that we are but guests visiting this world, and for over 2,500 years, those who adhere to these teachings have enriched and strengthened this world we share: Biden
'On Buddha Purnima we recall the principles of Lord Buddha and reiterate our commitment to fulfil them. The thoughts of Lord Buddha can make our planet more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable'
Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Thursday accused Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav of insulting Lord Buddha by allegedly not accepting his bust at an election rally in Uttar Pradesh.
London's Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) handed over the gold statue of Lord Buddha to the Indian High Commissioner