Puravankara has already launched two luxury projects under its World Home Collection brand in Bengaluru and Chennai
About 7 per cent was priced between Rs 3 crore and Rs 5 crore, 22 per cent priced between Rs 5 crore and Rs 8 crore, and 15 per cent above Rs 8 crore
Lower interest rates, stamp duty rebates in some states, flexible payments and most importantly, more time to visualise and create a dream home spur consumer interest
In Mumbai, reduced stamp duty and low interest rates get customers interested in property
In these three housing projects, Puravankara would develop a total of 1,460 units with a built up area of 2.2 million sq ft and an estimated cost of around Rs 850 crore.
Total value of unsold inventory in central Mumbai is estimated to be Rs 45,000 crore, while that for Mumbai city stands at Rs 83,000 crore
Signs of revival after note ban and Rera impact, say developers