Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Thursday alleged that Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar had brought casteism to Parliament, after the Vice President had slammed a TMC leader's mimicry of him and called it an insult to his background as a farmer and Jat. Kharge made the remarks after opposition MPs marched to Vijay Chowk from Parliament to protest the suspension of 143 MPs from the House. The Congress president, flanked by MPs and leaders of INDIA bloc parties, alleged that it was a matter of breach of privilege of the House that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah had spoken outside Parliament while it was in session and did not apprise the House over the Lok Sabha security breach incident. We wanted to raise Parliament security breach issue as to why it happened and who is responsible, Kharge said. The opposition wanted to speak on the issue but Prime Minister Modi and Home minister Shah did not turn up, even as the PM continued to make speeches .
Party sources said the Congress will soon sell merchandise, such as caps signed by Rahul Gandhi, mugs and t-shirts. The party said the initiative is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's Tilak Swaraj Fund
The Lok Sabha Secretariat's latest circular prohibits all 141 MPs from entering the Parliament chamber, lobby, and galleries for the duration of their suspension
Mamata Banerjee and Arvind Kejriwal proposed Mallikarjun Kharge's name as the INDIA bloc's prime ministerial candidate
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was the first to propose the name of the Congress President as the prospective PM face of the INDIA alliance
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Wednesday charged that the prime minister and the BJP want to establish a "single party rule" in the country and the suspension of MPs from Parliament is for that. While 141 MPs have been suspended because they wanted a statement from the home minister on the grave security breach in Parliament, the BJP MP who facilitated the entry of the intruders, remains scot-free and has not yet been questioned, the Congress leader said. "What sort of an investigation is this," he asked in a statement posted on X. "Why haven't senior officers responsible for Parliamentary security made accountable? Heads should have rolled by now," he said. Kharge said apparently the intruders have been planning this since months and asked who is responsible for this massive intelligence failure. Given the multi-layered security of Parliament, how did two intruders manage to hide yellow gas canisters in their shoes and enter the building and almost reach the sanctum ...
The AICC members include P.C. Vishnunadh, MLA, Qazi Nizamuddin, Sanjay Kapoor, Dheeraj Gurjar, Chandan Yadav, B.M. Sandeep, Chetan Chauhan, Pradeep Narwal and Abhishek Dutt
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday proposed Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge's name as the prime ministerial candidate of opposition bloc INDIA, but the veteran Congress leader said it is important to win first and everything else can be decided later. Sources, however, said there was no final decision on the issue. After his name was proposed as a candidate to become the country's first Dalit prime minister at a meeting attended by 28 opposition leaders here, Kharge said, "I work for the downtrodden. Let's win first, then we will see. I don't seek anything." MDMK leader Vaiko said after the meeting that Kharge's name was proposed by Banerjee and Kejriwal.
This comes amid the political tensions escalating between the Opposition and the central government over the demand of Union Home Minister Amit Shah's statement over the Parliament security breach
A total of 141 MPs were suspended following a ruckus over the demand by the Opposition for a statement from Union Minister Amit Shah on the Parliament breach incident
A crucial meeting of the opposition INDIA bloc began in the national capital on Tuesday where top leaders were discussing the way forward, including seat-sharing, for taking on the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The issue of suspension of 141 opposition MPs in both Houses of Parliament came up at the meeting with leaders cutting across party lines condemning the action against the members. "The leaders asserted that they will continue to fight against the tyranny of this government," a source said. Harping on putting up a united front, the Congress alleged that democracy is being "mercilessly murdered" and MPs who raise people's issues are suspended from the House. "In such an adverse situation, our unity is our strength," the party posted on X after the meeting began. The opposition leaders are deliberating on a blueprint for a joint campaign, seat-sharing arrangement and redrawing their strategy after the Congress suffered a setback in the recent assembly polls, where BJP
The Congress chief said several MPs have tried to put forward their opinions so far in Parliament
Congress's 'Donate for Desh' crowdfunding asks donors to contribute in instalments of Rs 138, Rs 1,380 or Rs 13,800. The party said the campaign will help it stand as a formidable Opposition
Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge on Monday wrote to Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, urging him to revoke the suspension of Trinamool Congress MP Derek O'Brien. Kharge said the TMC leader was only demanding a statement by the Home Minister on the security breach issue in Parliament. "All he (O' Brien) was trying to do was to attract your attention so as to raise the collective demand of INDIA parties for a statement by the Minister of Home Affairs on the shocking incident that took place in Lok Sabha on December 13," the Congress leader said. He said the Home Minister not speaking on the issue is a "breach of Parliamentary traditions and conventions". "These are perfectly legitimate demands. It is a breach of Parliamentary traditions and conventions that the Minister of Home Affairs can speak about the events of December 13 at a media function but refuses to say anything about in form of a statement in Parliament when the Parliament itself is in session," he ...
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Monday launched the party's crowdfunding campaign here, asking people to join the fight against unemployment and rising costs. Kharge donated a sum of Rs 1,38,000 from his salary to launch the "Donate for Desh" campaign in the presence of party leaders and general secretaries K C Venugopal and Jairam Ramesh and treasurer Ajay Maken. "It is a very happy day that our party leaders have prepared an App. I feel this is the first time that the Congress is seeking the help of common people to build the country," he told reporters after the launch. As part of the campaign, the party will receive money from small donors, he said and added, "If you keep working by depending on the rich, then tomorrow we would have to agree to their programmes and policies". Kharge said the Congress is already working for the interests of the poor, Scheduled Castes, backwards and they have been helping us in the past too. "Through 'Donate for Desh', we will work to
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday hit out at the Centre over the rise in prices of essential commodities during the Modi government's tenure and wondered what kind of "developed India" is this. In a post on X, Kharge shared a video montage comparing the 2014 prices of essential items such as milk, onion, tomatoes, and sugar with their current prices to highlight inflation. "Mehngaai-nomics. What kind of 'viksit Bharat' is this'? Where the BJP has mastered looting," the Congress chief said in his post in Hindi. The Congress has been attacking the government over its handling of the economy and raising concerns over "increasing" unemployment and price rise.
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The top leadership of the Congress Saturday discussed the party's preparations in Gujarat for next year's Lok Sabha elections, with party chief Mallikarjun Kharge saying they will move forward with a positive agenda to strengthen the organisation. Kharge chaired a meeting of Gujarat Congress leaders at the AICC headquarters here. Former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi and other senior leaders of the party were also present. Discussions were held on challenges the party faces in Gujarat and ways to highlight the BJP's "misgovernance" before the people. This was part of a series of meetings organised by the party to strengthen the organisation in every state and prepare itself for the general elections next year. "Due to the continuous misgovernance of the BJP government in Gujarat, the issues remain the same unemployment, inflation, economic inequality, atrocities against Dalits and tribals, fraud and immense corruption," Kharge said in Hindi on 'X' after the meeting. "Today, we discu
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