Manali Petrochemicals Ltd on Tuesday reported a consolidated profit after tax of Rs 13.22 crore for the six-month period ending September 30, 2024. The city-headquartered petrochemical manufacturer had registered a profit after tax of Rs 14.97 crore during the corresponding period last year. For the year ending March 31, 2024, the profit after tax was Rs 19.21 crore. In a statement, the company said that revenue and margins continued to be affected mainly due to the dumping of imported materials at cheaper prices, coupled with rising raw material costs. "Although the company has suffered a loss on a standalone basis for reasons beyond its control, the continued operational performance of the overseas subsidiaries helped the company achieve a positive position on a consolidated basis during the quarter under review," the company stated. The total income for the six-month period ending September 30, 2024, stood at Rs 482.79 crore, compared to Rs 586.41 crore for the year-ago period.
Penn Globe is a market leader in foam control agents and chemical products
: Petrochemical manufacturing company Manali Petrochemicals Ltd has reported consolidated profit after tax for the quarter ending December 31, 2021 at Rs 110.09 crore, the company said on Thursday. The city-based company and part of AM International, Singapore, had registered consolidated net at Rs 86 crore during corresponding quarter previous year. Revenues during the quarter under review on a consolidated basis, stood at Rs 494.16 crore as compared to Rs 356 crore registered same period last fiscal. The research and development led approach along with customer focus, was the prime reason for the sustained performance of Manali Petrochemicals Ltd in a challenging market conditions, company chairman Ashwin Muthiah said. "The results show that the company has strengthened its market leadership and bettered its financial performance even during tough times. I commend the team for its tireless efforts to grow its market leadership despite natural vagaries," he said. Manali ...
In the first phase 24,000 TPA would be added at a cost of around Rs 60 crore, to be met through internal resources
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In talks to set up application centres in Singapore, Qatar, the US and west Europe