Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said the state will export 40 tonnes of mangoes to Japan and Malaysia this year. It is for the first time in the history of 160 years that Lucknow's Dussehri mango is being exported to the USA, he added. Addressing the inaugural function of the three-day Mango Festival, which began here at the Awadh Shilp Gram, Adityanath said the price of Dussehri mango in India is between Rs 60 and Rs 100 per kg, but its price touches Rs 900 per kg in the US market. "That is, if we add the price of duty tax, cargo and air freight, then the cost of sending one kg of mango to America will be up to Rs 250-300, even then a farmer and horticulturist will save Rs 600 on one kg of mango," he said. The UP chief minister said the gardeners of Uttar Pradesh produce 58 lakh metric tonnes of mango in only 3.15 lakh hectares. Around 25 to 30 per cent of the total mango production of the country is from Uttar Pradesh alone, he added. Adityanath also ...
South Africa has granted permission to import different varieties of mangoes from India, an official of India's farm export body said here. Simmi Unnikrishnan, Assistant General Manager from the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) of India, made the announcement at the 'Bharat Mango Utsav 2024' event at the Indian Consulate here last week. Addressing local traders and the media, she said, "We received market access for mangoes last year and have now flagged off 1.5 metric tonnes of mangoes from Gujarat to India. Guests at the event were given the opportunity to sample several varieties of Indian mangoes specially brought in for the occasion -- Alfonso, known as the king of mangoes, Totapuri, Rajapuri, Badami, Kesar and Neelam. India is the largest producer of mangoes in the world, producing 50 per cent of the global production, with South Africa accounting for 17 per cent of the world's mangoes, Unnikrishnan said as she appealed to the trad
India will raise a number of issues with the US such as inking social security pact, and greater market access for mangoes in America during the Trade Policy Forum (TPF) meet here on Friday, an official said. The official said India will also raise issues pertaining to delay in visa; increasing exports of table grapes, pharma goods, and marine products like wild caught fish and shrimp; reinstating the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) status to India; and export control regulations for high-tech products and technologies. The 14th TPF meet will be co-chaired by US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal here. Social security, or totalisation agreement, is a long-pending demand of the country, as it will provide social security to Indian professionals in America. This would eliminate dual social security deduction, both in the home country and in the nation where an employee works. Under this, an expatriate in either country need not
In the 2023 season, India exported mangoes to 41 countries by exploring new destinations such as Iran, Mauritius, Czech Republic, and Nigeria
India expanded its mango exports to 41 countries, exploring new markets in Iran, Mauritius, Czech Republic, and Nigeria
A farmer sold the Miyazaki variety for Rs 30,000 a piece, or equal to the price of five grams of 24-carat gold; low production this year has driven up prices
Traditionally, UP mango is exported to the Gulf apart from shipments to a few South East Asian countries viz. Malaysia, Singapore from South India.
At 1 million curie capacity, the facility in Gujarat is largest among the four in India
Exports of mango and pomegranate from India to the US will start from January-February to boost the country's outbound shipments of agri-products, the commerce ministry said on Saturday. Exports of pomegranate aril to the US and imports of Alfalfa hay and cherries from America would also begin from April this year, it added. In pursuant to the 12th India - USA trade policy forum meeting held on November 23, 2021, the Department of Agriculture and farmer's welfare and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have signed a framework agreement for implementing the "2 Vs 2 agri-market access issues", it said. This access concept includes inspection and oversight transfer for Indian mangoes, pomegranate and pomegranate arils, and market access for US cherries and Alfalfa hay in India. "Mango and pomegranate exports will start from January February 2022 and pomegranate aril from Apr 2022," the ministry said. Further, it said that the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying has conve
The countries are also looking forward to signing a system for the export of pomegranate arils from India to the US
Mango production in the country is estimated to increase 4.24 per cent to 21.12 million tonnes in the crop year 2020-21 ending June
Already there are hardly any takers of Dussehri this year due to coronavirus crisis and poor crop
Large scale damage of standing crop that was ripening, production impacted by as much as 35%
Export to European countries negligible; shipments to Gulf fall 40-50%
Maharashtra's flagship mango variety of alphonso, which normally sells for Rs 700-800 a dozen at this time of the season, was sold at the rate of Rs 400-500 this year in retail market of Mumbai
Cultivators may be forced to sell locally only, and at prices way below the normal market rates
New market access coupled with massive promotional efforts last year expected to bump up exports
India is the world's leading mango producer, accounting for over 40 per cent of the global production
Popular varieties like chausa, dashehari, fazli, gulab khas, langra and amrapali are produced in UP
UP's mango growers are already facing massive crop loss due to inclement weather this season