Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday proposed that stock exchanges and other market infrastructure institutions frame their own policy for sharing data for the purpose of research to promote data democratisation, data privacy and data accountability. However, data shared with vendors for commercial purposes will not fall under this policy, Sebi suggested in its consultation paper. The markets regulator has a data sharing policy to share anonymised data that are not publicly available. However, since Sebi is not the originator of most of the market data, the scope of sharing data under the extant data sharing policy of Sebi was deliberated by its Market Data Advisory Committee (MDAC). The committee suggested that in order to achieve the balance between data privacy vis-a-vis providing access to data, organizations, which are the actual source of data, will need to have a policy on data collection, processing, storage, dissemination and sharing. Accordingly, the regulator, in its ...
With the recent sell-offs, Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway has raised its cash position relative to total assets in the June quarter to 25 percent
Electronics steal the show with Google entry, Apple supplier expansions
Sebi to gather suggestions on applicability of financial disincentives
Our top stories this week explain why you should keep a record of your insurance policies and how to start with mutual fund investments
Capital markets regulator Sebi is looking to come out with a framework for the issuance of subordinate units by REITs and InvITs to sponsors and their associates. Additionally, the regulator has proposed a framework for unit-based employee benefits (UBEB) in the context of REITs (real estate investment trusts) and InvITs (infrastructure investment trusts). The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has sought comments from the public till December 29 on the proposals. Under the proposed framework, subordinate units can be issued only to the sponsor, its associates and sponsor group, such units should carry only inferior voting as compared to ordinary units and the units can be issued to the eligible entities in the initial offer or in any offering subsequent to the initial offer, Sebi said in its consultation paper. It further suggested that subordinate units can only be transferred inter-se amongst the sponsor entities. "Any issuance of subordinate units post initial offer
In new-age companies with no promoters, institutional investors have a crucial role in shaping the board
Market regulator also working on new discussion paper for ESG rating providers
New framework proposes enhancing amount companies can repurchase vis-a-vis free reserves
Those with small amounts should skip it owing to high costs and elaborate tax-related compliances
What do labour law violations say about Make in India? Which are the sectors to invest in? How will the government carry forward its reforms? What is Election Laws (Amdt) Bill, 2021? All answers here
Who are those top ministers in the PM Modi's government who made handsome gains who invested during the market crash last year due to covid-19 pandemic and economic lockdown. Let's take a look
What are ETFs: Warren Buffett understands stock picking is not everyone's cup of tea. He says most average long-term investors will benefit from low-cost index funds or ETFs. Here's an explainer
In this podcast, Abhimanyu Sofat, Head of Research at IIFL Securities and VK Vijaya kumar, Chief Investment Strategist at Geojit Financial Services shares the stocks and sectors they are bullish on
Our experience with earlier epidemics such as SARS, EBOLA and ZICA does suggest that medical science will find out a solution sooner than later
The BSE benchmark Sensex tumbled 769.88 points, or 2.06 per cent, to close at 36,562.91
Earnings' growth will be in line with market expectations and hence there should be a recovery in the overall sentiment in six to nine months
Money managers' take on markets prospects and investment options