The Bombay High Court on Tuesday directed that the 17-year-old boy allegedly involved in the Porsche car accident in Pune be released immediately as the orders remanding him to an observation home were illegal and the law regarding juveniles must be implemented fully. The teenager, who had got bail hours after the accident on May 19 but was sent to the observation home three days later following an outcry, was released in the evening following the HC order. A division bench of Justices Bharati Dangre and Manjusha Deshpande said it was the court's bounden duty to prioritize justice above everything else, and it was not swayed by the uproar created because of the ghastly mishap which resulted in the loss of two innocent lives. "Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum, a latin phrase which connotes, "Let justice be done though the heavens fall," clearly convey a principle in law, that justice must be realized regardless of consequences and just decisions may be made at whatever cost it comes," the
King Jr. was born in 1929. Were he alive he would be 94, the same age as Noam Chomsky. The prosperous King family lived on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta
King, who was born on Jan. 15, 1929, was killed at age 39. He helped he fueled passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were joining Martin Luther King Jr. Day service projects on Monday
A wave of protests and violence has erupted in the United States following the death of an African-American, George Floyd, in Minneapolis
It is fifty years since King was killed and the world's conscience was awoken. Those were the days one thought they'd never end